California-White or Yellow? -1921

This is material from The American Academy of Political and Social Science, January, 1921.

1: California apparently was founded for white men only.

2: The present of Orientals is a race problem.

3: Economics does figure into this.

1: There are laws banning marriage of whites and 'Mongolians.'

2: The Japanese plan to take over either by immigration in numbers or by intermarriage.

3: He quotes a Japanese publication saying the same thing.

1: Children born of mixed marriages in the U.S. would still be Japanese citizens.

2: The Japanese language schools are to 'counter the effect' of public education in American schools.

3: The Japanese want more living space.

A map showing where the Orientals are in California.

1: Japanese birth-rate out-populating whites.

2: He's implying the Japanese fishermen are spies.

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