Kodomo no tame ni: For the Sake of the Children

Dennis M. Ogawa, 1978

The first six chapters of the book deal with Japanese immigration to Hawaii and the various problems they faced and things they accomplished. Each chapter consists of numerous smaller sections written by various people.

Chapter 7 is the first chapter to deal with the WWII part of Japanese-American history and it has the report of Curtis Munson. Munson was one of the people who studied the Japanese American population and came to the conclusion that they were not a threat to the U.S. and there was no need to gather them all up and ship them to internment camps. Other sections, both pro- and anti-Japanese/Hawaiian/American are in the chapter. Chapter 8 covers the issue of volunteering for the U.S. military, including information on the 442nd.

The rest of the book deals with Hawaiian Japanese Americans after WWII.

The book is written in an interesting manner, having various articles from various authors on each side of an issue, but it's section on the WWII situation with the Japanese-Americans is relatively small in size although it does contain Munson's report on Hawaii, something which few if any other books quote in any length.

Main Index
Japan main page
Japanese-American Internment Camps index page
Japan and World War II index page