Death Bell 1

After Kang I-na is nearly strangled and another student throttled in the restroom, the classroom TV screen switches to an image of top-ranking student Hye-yeong trapped inside a fish tank that is slowly filling with water. A disembodied voice announces that her life depends on the exam questions he will set for them, and that a student will die for every question the class gets wrong. Trapped with the students are head teacher Hwang Chan-wook and English teacher Choi So-yeong. I-na realizes that the students are being killed in order of their rank in the class, and she is ranked fifth. Someone is slowly killing the students one by one, but who are they? And what do they want?

This is a South Korean film about students getting ready to take the very important mid-term exams. (This type of thing is taken far more seriously in Oriental countries than it is in the U.S.)

Kang I-na: the rebellious heroine

Yoon Myong-hyo: timid best friend

Kang Hyeon: her suitor

Kang nearly gets strangled. Hye-yeong, the top ranking student in the school, is trapped in a fish tank that is slowly filling. Hwang Chan-wook is the head teacher trapped with the students, along with Choi So-yeong, an English teacher.

Someone starts killing the students off by class rank. Kang is the fifth ranked student.

Ina is the one standing up.

Something appears (then disappears) from a guy's test paper.

Someone starts singing on the P.A. system. Then there's a teachers' meeting and something about students from a different school coming to that one.

Two friends are hanging out laundry.

The trouble maker is on the room of the girls' dorm with the two girls. I'm assuming this is some kind of boarding school.

The students have been looking at their class standings.

The boy is the one that freaked out when he saw a face on his test. He attacks Ina and tries to kill her.

The girls sneak out to go to some kind of club.

The start of whatever the meeting of the two girls' schools is about.

One person is attacked in a bathroom.

He's hauled up above the false ceiling.

The students are supposed to be watching a DVD with an English speaker but the screen starts to act up.

The top-ranking student is trapped in a fish tank.

The men in the staff room can no longer get connected to the Internet.

Then a voice sounds over the P.A. system. The voice seems to be male so, at this point in the movie, I'm guessing it's the student who has often freaked out.

Water pours into the tank.

The first student dies. (No one has said anything about the question that was supposed to be answered. Is it the one on the tank? Shouldn't they also be thinking which room in the school has a tank like that? Also, shouldn't they all make sure they stay totally together? If they don't separate, then the killer will have a hard time picking them off. If they stay as a group totally and start searching the school room by room, picking up whatever things can be used as weapons, they wouldn't they eventually flush out the killer?)

So, in usual horror movie fashion, instead of staying together the first one gets ready to split off.

A second one gets ready to leave. This is supposed to be an elite group? Don't any of them ever watch horror movies?

The first one to leave has been messed up bad.

The voice is back. Part of the question is asked in a female voice. Then the students hear someone screaming.

He identifies himself.

He continues talking.

The students are told what to do next.

They have found the answer but not in enough time.

She figures out they are being killed by class ranking.

Once group splits off and sneaks back into the dorm.

The crazy kid is outside their door.

Someone is trying to break into the room.

Another test begins.

Another one dies.

The students begin putting things together. A girl had killed herself in the auditorium the previous year, and this explains the last clue they received.

They put a puzzle-type question together.

Another student dies.

They follow a cable line.

The crazy kid attacks them.

The teacher manages to kill him.

They finally solve a puzzle in time.

The killer looks on.

The killer attacked the teacher, but the teacher won.

Another one dead.

It starts again.

He identifies himself.

He says his daughter (the smart girl from the previous year) was murdered and he has an identifying mark to look for.

A scandal is revealed. Then we find out who the murderer of the girl from the year before is, and who witnessed the murder. The killer goes nuts, but then we find out who the father of the girl was and he manages to kill the killer. Then there's a very, very strange ending.

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