Hitler's Children

This is another Walt Disney movie that you don't see anymore. The screencaps are fuzzy because that is the way the video was that I was able to find.

”What makes a Nazi. How does he get that way? Let's look into the process.”

”To begin with, Nazi control of a child starts as soon as it is born. “

The parents appear once their child is born to present documents proving their Aryan heritage. She wants to name her child Hans and the guy behind the desk checks to make sure it is not a forbidden name to use, like Franklin.

“As a reward, they get a copy of German's best seller.”

In kindergarten, Hans is taught that, in the tale of Sleeping Beauty, the wicked witch is democracy.

A prince arrives and vanquishes the witch. The sleeping beauty is Germany. The prince is Hitler.

“The distortion of this tale has the purpose of molding the young Nazi mind. This is done so Hitler becomes Han's idol.

One day Hans becomes sick and his mother prays for him, knowing that the unfit are taken away and never seen again. A soldier comes in and starts talking. (This is where the cartoon, I think, makes a bit of a mistake. I think they should have subtitled what the soldier was saying.)

In school the teacher talks about a wolf eating a rabbit and what it means. Hans feels sorry for the rabbit and the teacher loses his temper and makes Hans sit in the dunce corner.

Other kids say the story means the world belongs to the strong and the brutal.

Hans starts saying the same kind of things, and that makes Hitler happy, according to the narrator.

Germans are a super race. All others will be slaves, says the teacher.

Hans grows up. In him is planted no seed of tolerance, hope or mercy.” He grows up to be a “good Nazi,” seeing no more than the party wants him to see, and he says nothing but what the party wants him to say, and he does nothing but what the party wants him to do.

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