The Fleet That Came To Stay

The ships are headed towards Okinawa. (There's a lot of voice-over pretend talk among the men.)

A narrator finally starts talking, noting that the ships were within range of Japanese airplanes.

The fleet opens fire on Okinawa.

This is one of the fascinating (to me, anyway) ships that fires loads of rockets.

The British, meanwhile, were attacking Formosa, to the south.

To the north, Task Force 58 attacks Kyushu.

A Japanese ship explodes after being attacked by US planes.

A Japanese carrier is attacked.

American troops land on the island.

For a while things are relatively quiet, then the Japanese kamikaze attack.

A kamikaze barely missing his target.

A Japanese bomber is shot down.

A kamikaze goes after an aircraft carrier.

Another Japanese bomber is going down. The planes also attacked at night.

The ships target Japanese strongholds on the island.

The kamikaze attacks continue.

The fate of a lot of the kamikaze planes, to be destroyed before they could fulfill their mission.

The number of planes lost by the Japanese during the battle.

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