Gila News-Courier, Volume 2 #6-10

Volume 2 #6: January 14, 1943

Page 1: 20 persons apply for leave clearances daily; net workers receive pay; new adjutant to be re-elected; electric appliance claims possible; Henderson back.

Crime in the community by the residents themselves.

Page 2: Trade Winds column; editorial; save wood for stoves.

Page 3: Treated drinking well water for residents; The World Today column; assurance on paralysis alarm; latest arrivals in Gila colony; River's exports more produce; wood stoves for partitioned rooms; Phoenix Journal free to public; Korn speaks; calling friends of Shosaku Hamatani.

Page 4: Enterprise set-up to be explained; firemen sponsor sports formal; WRA secretary jobs available; male employment outnumbers females; dance to feature Glenn Miller; 5 canalists visit outside nursery; Father Clements addresses group; vital statistics; last rites; engagement.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #7: January 16, 1943

Page 1: Mess hall 54, 56 get pennants; today deadline for draft registration; Korn discusses South America; experts study co-op set-up; former Pasadena woman passes; typewriters wanted.

The Japanese are being 'pampered.'

A poll on the level of prejudice.

Page 2: Rural war production training program started; Co-op; Buddhists hold Ho-onko services; scout conferees hold party; club conducts mass survey; News-Courier loses 4 staff members; servicemen visit; vital statistics.

Page 3: The World Today; canal's first honor roll students told; new council head chosen; arrivals boost Gila populace; milk bottle, cans return requested; church schedule; Japanese literary supplement ready.

Pages 4,5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #8: January 19, 1943

Page 1: Consumer co-ops; JACL membership drive shows 700; 43.1 percent of younger residents want relocation; November profit sales statement; ship model shop to open; net plant weavers shift into high; Director Bennett attends meeting.

Page 2: Editorial; Rivers remains prohibited zone; many leaves transfers made; Butte Library; first WRA quarterly released.

Page 3: Movie admissions charged to help defray expenses; mess 20 receives coveted E pennant; Red Cross office relocates to CAS; school teachers wanted now; departments get motor vehicles; best sellers available now; new art class opens in canal; varied program undertaken, from page 2.

Page 4: Attorney leaves for business; women's club schedule; former civil service workers to fill form 57; soldier visits sick father; Utah U. lures 2 more students; housing head sees transfer; Beethoven featured in music hour; 470 tons vegetables yielded in December; jam session slated; acknowledgement; lost.

Page 5: Aviation show big success; sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #9: January 21 1943

Page 1: Butte approves member fee for co-op; 'it ain't hay said of payroll; Butte beauties get beauty shop; Hi auditorium to go up first; acknowledgement; Butte water line breaks.

Domestic murder.

Page 2: The World Today column; editorials; many new equipment received.

Page 3: Butte CAS toy loan sponsors 'openhouse'; church council heads elected; sewing machine repair prices; flower shop to be opened in Gila soon; latest 'r' call registers 75; adult education; return magazines; wanted: farm laborers; parlay call; nursery men visit outside houses; canal thespian meet tonight.

Page 4: Trees imported to Gila colony; shoe bargains offered; Wednesday last day for transfer; more departures observed; forum presents J.C. Henderson; Yagura, Sedberry for music hour; library gets heaters, books; new sugar, coffee ration program; six named on honor roll at Canal City; vital statistics; latest arrivals come from Poston.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #10: January 23, 1943

Page 1: University club conducts survey; Butte, canal cooperative committee confab ends; demand Nisei soldier rights; report heater oil leakages for safety's sake; attention former federal civil service workers; Poston dentists; timely topic at three forums; leave clearance interviews.

Page 2: Editorial; The World Today column; federal civil service tests here held as possibility; church schedule; Japan minister to talk tomorrow.

Page 3: Produce export rolls steadily; beauty shop opens; promotion for net engineer; mending completed; washing machines, typewriters sought; music hour presents renowned composers; glass repairs strictly cash; kids threw rocks on stage:motion pictures may be stopped; more transfers, departures made; health problems column to start; nuptial revealed.

Page 4: Judo popular in canal; forum presents marital problems; Postonian view Gila enterprises; get-together for departing head; Ten Dons to give valentine hop; league finally expected to start; Sparklettes out to avenge defeat; netters sponsor exclusive social; contact Inai for sport goods orders; Butte CAS shindig tonight in mess 41; libraries receive 5,000 new books.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

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