Gila News-Courier, Volume 2 #41-45

Volume 2 #41: April 6, 1943

Page 1: Youth sign on reaching 17; co-op receives license to operate in Arizona; shoe ration certificates good outside; resident-evacuee gets long term; federal housing aid made available to settlers; standard pay or better offered; judo tourney.

Page 2: The Rambler; editorial; outside employment; cartoon.

Page 3: Gila cuisines win praise; first sugar beet contingent departs Thursday for Denver; G.I. clothing sales, returns; CAS council elects tonight; YWCA sign-up tomorrow; victory dance honors teams; vesper services tomorrow; engagement; shoe hospital at new local; vital statistics; new barber hours; last rites.

Page 4: Senator Chandler outlines evacuee disposition program; brain food business high; election cont.; coming-going; beet workers cont.; calendar of events.

Pages 5,6: Sports.

Pages 7,8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #42: April 8, 1943

Page 1: Need to save water stressed; Project director will issue indefinite leaves; rule on shoes via mail order; Slawson takes injury reports; steady work guaranteed; rattlesnake bite danger told.

Page 2: Editorial; outside employment; leaves cont.; compensatoin cont.; last rites; adult education.

Page 3: Idle farm tools may be taken; possibility of relocation in East discussed; coming-going; classical dance troupe performs; births; canal PTA elects officers; name chosen for annual; YWCA sign up; farewell social; educational lectures; Buddhist choir; get your checks.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

Page 1: Resettlers to get assistance; indefinite leave issuance possible in 7 to 10 days; sumo; WRA commended for good job; Boston group sponsors evacuee art competition; school hours.

Page 2: Editorial; job offers; beeters arrive at destination; wake service; cartoon; new barber shop.

Page 3: Three sugar beet firms here recruiting workers; Buddhist festival; 900 departures expected soon for seasonal, indefinite leaves; mess hall 4 places first; frozen foods at canteens; victory dance; Chinese classics dance; leave officer here tomorrow.

Page 4: Water ditch constructions; Supreme Court acts on curfew; Coming-Going; Fellowship feature songfest, dancing; club committee meets Monday; more trucks; movie schedule; 20,000 Hawaiians witness volunteers depart for U.S.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Chicago office calls for 30 auto mechanics immediately; CAS sponsors disc concert; Sarape rail siding opens; new employment assignments; new teachers; final days; reading club; water case cont.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Page 1: Co-op member fees being paid; 'friendly alien' status may be given parents; week furlough assured J-men; wise resettlement policy urged in Atlantic monthly; Midwest farms seek labor; officials act to release farm tools.

Page 2: Editorial; Trade Winds; pick the best.

Page 3: Gila is vegetable capital with large farm output; excavations must be ok'd; cottonwoods adorn colony; ears lowered for 15 cents; beauty culture class to open; canal pupils donate sum; 29 winner; YWCA rally planned.

Page 4: Coming-going; half of evacuees will be relocated soon; H. Wolters in lecture series; 98 students on honor roll; holiday sartorial show planned; Bussei attain 614 members; wanted; cupid's corner; cartoon.

Page 5: Feature section; nostalgia; the return of Frank Everly; desert twilight poem.

Page 6; Governor Ko's postwar habitat for evacuees; 90% Hawaiians prove loyal; job offers; dairy farm hand release; hospital to get coolers; WRA accountant on check-up; new placement head; vacation.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Pages 9, 10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #45: April 15, 1943

Page 1: Night school emphasizes resettlement education; Japanese teachers; sociologist heads section; 'Captain Fury'; communications system changes; editorial.

Page 2: Coming-going; editorial; lookout usefulness ended; cartoon.

Page 3: New trustee; benefit movie; California hopes dim; Poston center quarantined; fair play group fights for evacuees; many police jobs open; senior bazaar to be held; new placement man; church choir to perform; SRC chairman extols SOS.

Page 4: Enterprise net earnings told; beet office night hours; Rivers YWCA notes; show guests; reading club registrations; girl's league fashion show; Butte YWCA; seniors hold 'ditch' day; wedding.

Page 5: Outside jobs; group fights for evacuees cont.; sports; new mags at library; police jobs cont.; new steward; Rev. Namakura volunteers as Buddhist chaplain in AJA unit.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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