Gila News-Courier, Volume 2 #71-75

Volume 2 #71: June 15, 1943

Page 1: Alien control of farming industry through co-op feared; NYA trainees in good hands; variety exhibit planned for 4th; second volunteer group to leave; net fund disbursement date still uncertain.

Page 2: The Rambler; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: NSRC opens two divisions in Rivers under Freeland; sell idle farm machinery; thirteen entered in queen race; Gila assured ample supply of watermelons; deadline set for orders; women workers needed in dehydration plant; farm to increase output.

Page 4: Bottle refund ends June 19; New York offers possibilities; Hyslop warns against minority oppression; evacuee life depicted by 'Common Ground,'; paper price cut; Y meet postponed; new shoes here; editor's mail box.

Page 5: Job offers; Quill and Scroll initiation; canal views fashion show; ex-NYA trainees given other jobs; departures; CAS notes; photo shop moves.

Page 6: Sports.

Page 7: Prevention of communicable diseases.

Pages 8-10: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #72: June 17, 1943

Page 1: Commencement speakers chosen; canceling co-op license declared unconstitutional; resettlement in Arizona stopped; WRA will film exodus, centers; civil service tests planned; civil service; license needed for fishing.

Page 2: OWI reviews soldier and sailor rights in wartime; editorial.

Arizona trouble.

Page 3: New WRA office in Iowa; choral club gives cantata; Buddhists to hold confab; coming-going; 14 view for queen title; Y meet.

Page 4: Coronation ball set for July 2; 654 lbs. of melon for Butte tables; federal work offered in Mo.; papercraft district 4 opens shop; lost and found; pastry sold; Butte Red Cross unit sponsors movies; Butte GR holds important meet.

Page 5: Baccalaureate service Sunday; soldiers host to Denson girls; job offers; 'Radio City Revels' movie; engagement; choral group cont; realism promised in war movies.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #73: June 19, 1943

Page 1: EDC clearance obtainable; Washington ok's use of aliens; produce for Army McFarland urges; increased production asked of Gila farms; dear father; assimilation is YP topic.

Page 2: Discrimination faces censure; editorial; welfare head studies problem; cartoon.

Page 3: Fluorine content reduction seen; 'Unity of Gassho' is theme of YBA confab; heavy schedule carried by farm; now it's Butte's turn at melons; Y meeting; initial fine arts concert slated; Hearst blamed for zoot suit riots.

Page 4: Coming-going; industrial union council helps relocation program; six withdraw queen contest; Jr. High holds graduation rites; Rimskey-Korsakow recording on tap; handicraft article for district bazaar; Tri-Cirs hold get-together; in appreciation.

Page 5: Job offers; alien labor cont.; canal high seniors will hold baccalaureate rites; marrage; dance; church schedule.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #74: June 22, 1943

Page 1: Rivers seasonal indefinite leaves scale thousand; co-op receipts for April ready; 142 canal seniors receive diplomas Thursday night; more recruits sought by Army.

Arizona doesn't want Japanese after war ends.

Page 2: Dies committee reproved by Washington Post; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Field clothing specified; only injuries received on active duty eligible for unemployment compensation; canal annual on sale now; ex-CAS supervisor says canal 'nicer,' has 'grown up;' reform schools for serious delinquents; farm sponsor barn dance; bus lines urges punctuality; Henie movie next.

Page 4: Variety exhibit of GYPA slate for July fourth; civil service open to Nisei; Butte elects school officers; 4th of July exposition.

Page 5: Outside employment; commercial courses added to night school program; canal 8th grade to graduate; visitors; new books arrive in Canal library.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #75: June 24, 1943

Page 1: Canal to honor seniors tonight; eight volunteers depart for induction; Tofu for Rivers a possibility; Brown leaves for South America.

Curfew legal.

Page 2: Departures; editorial; sports.

Page 3: Advisory committee aids Nisei in New York City; Time magazine carries story of evacuees; work for Nisei seamen in Michigan; 42 take civil service exams; active duty for Williamson soon; wedding; USO dance; Butte library adds new rentals; canal to stage engeikai Sunday; 'Sun Valley Serenade' next movie.

Page 4: Army will not receive River's surplus product; work begun on packing shed; job offers; adult ed. opens woodcraft class; grads attention; Butte graduates show remarkable high scholastic averages.

Page 5: July 4th exposition; commencement program; last rites; 'Tortilla Flat' on library shelf.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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