Gila News-Courier, Volume 2 #96-100 and #199

Volume 2 #96: Aug. 12, 1943

Page 1: Gilans receive recall orders; co-op may pay cash funds before segregation starts; defense work open to Nisei; WAC Lt. visits next week; 21 Shelby men seek commission; nurses' aides will be capped; brief notes.

Page 2: Editorial; If We Break Faith; cartoon.

Page 3: Work starts on school buildings; Dunwoody institute offers defense training courses; relocation; shoe repair rush discouraged; Anselm forum favors employment of Nisei; church stands as storage place; ping pong tourney set.

Page 4: Coming-going; Judson college open to Nisei; 'Year at Gila' on sale again; servicemen enjoy evening at USO; history of the o-bon; Shelby officers guests of Jerome.

Page 5: Job offers; mock graduation rites will highlight revue; domestic job pays couple $160; vegetables come from Tule Lake; adult education poll to be taken; Buddhist vesper service tonight; school buildings cont; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #97: Aug. 14, 1943

Page 1: Farm employment slash slated; camouflage fund payment within six weeks; Doucha gets promotion; Co-op amendment accepted by Washington; nurses aids to be honored; public works seeks volunteers; some adult ed. classes dropped; cold storage plans approved; De Leon leaves.

Page 2: Shelby soldier relates life; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Colorful Obon festivities to be observed tomorrow; no cash for C.O.D. payments accepted; Phalanx club meets on tap; Christians open vacation church school; co-eds plan prep weekly; soldier life cont; Graves clarifies evacuee police authority, duties.

Page 4: Job offers; July payroll; twenty girls wanted in Iowa; Fire!! Fire!!; mischief maker lands in jail; canal Engei-bu; girl wanted; Senior Grs meet; church services; vital statistics.

Page 5: Call for diplomas; rhythm band to be formed; truck farm opportunities in Nebraska tri-state area; coming-going; 175 breed pigs received; Hoffman's home from hospital; Buddhist summer session program.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #98: Aug. 17, 1943

Page 1: Notice net workers; carpenters needed for new schools; WAC recruiters here; Tule Lake described; evacuee property service listed; varied jobs available in Washington, D.C. area.

Page 2: Rivers couple helped bring understanding; editorial; visitors; keep your fingers crossed Obon dance set for Saturday.

Page 3: Cleveland News praises Nisei; Great Lakes area open to Nisei seamen; fishermen; four warehouse divisions moving; tickets for movie on sale; Forensic club meets Thursday; strict adherence to visiting hours urged; property service cont; Tule Lake cont.

Page 4:Job offers; Daily Californian supports coast fair play committee; formal parade for Nisei unit; application does not assure return to Japan; visiting rules cont.

Page 5: Segregation for parolees on same basis as others; Future Farmers attend parlay; coming-going; Army beckons accountant; Daily cont; student nurses seek schooling; student revue climaxes session; vital statistics.

Pages 6, 7: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #99: Aug. 19, 1943

Page 1: Employment cut to 4,575 by September 1; Rivers faces meat shortage; WAC officer in canal today; inoculation for dogs to start; Nisei wounded in action is recovering normally.

Page 2: New York City union welcomes evacuee help; cartoon.

An interesting editorial.

Page 3: Monetary gift sums over $270; Superman has important message for evacuees; family reunion at Crystal City; 'A Year at Gila'; revised pamphlets expected shortly; milk supply minimized 30%; hometown girl makes good, evacuee in Philadelphia; YWCA membership cards available; church school in full swing.

Page 4: A Year Ago Yesterday; Lamour and co. hit road again; three days for disturbing peace; job offers; anniversary hop Saturday night; Crystal City cont; injured in battlefield cont.

Page 5: Coming-going; Doucha needs more workers; Arizonans finding Nisei girls typically American; brush up on tall tales (fishing); sulfa drugs vs. pneumonia; good jobs offered in Michigan; Lawson joins hospital staff; ping-pong.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 2 #100: Aug. 21, 1943

Page 1: Citizenship not revoked by 'no'; forced resettlement rumors dispelled; fears slow relocation; segregants will not lose jobs; WAC applicants to be notified for exams.


About forced resettlement.

Page 2: Gilan relates adventure; editorial; means to cash net checks told; Kido explains law; Girl Reserves plan social; canal Buddhist summer school; cartoon.

Page 3: Dog inoculations start today; Bon Odori to start at nine; formula delivery to mess changed to dist. snack station; Poston flooded and windstorm; Grews ' Report From Tokyo' in Japanese; change made in bus schedule; copy of co-op amendment sent to commission; Engeikai tonight.

Page 4: Adult education; coming-going; YBA to hear Miyake; Butte canal Christian meet; vital statistics; church services.

Page 5: Coming-going; Arizona Daily Star lauds Gila News courier editorial; nursing class open to Nisei; more colleges accept Nisei; livestock class meets tomorrow; important GR meet tonight; McVey returns; Y girls sponsor hop.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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