Gila News-Courier, Volume 3 #1-5

Volume 3 #1: Aug. 24, 1943

Page 1: Commission will modify 'cancel' order; Myer to specify maximum work;something new has been added; Rivers and its constitution; students excused absences given.

Gilans returning to Japan.

Page 2: Constitution cont; on Superman and entertainment in general; social tonight; cartoon.

Page 3: Fly traps for sanitation; contest; children's village for Japanese orphans; shopping service; crop experts; compensation cont; do you believe in ghosts?

Page 4: Job offers; thank you from Obon committee; full crews start work on schools; inoculations to be given; Butte observes new library hours; new books on library shelves; Stringer family latest addition; Hoffman woozy but willing.

Page 5: Coming-going; 1873 will move to Tule Lake as first segregees from Gila; mentors attend conference; anniversary hop Saturday; births; hop meet.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #2: Aug. 26, 1943

Page 1: Majority of EDC clearances ready in eight weeks; prompt call for shoe stamp urged; former Rivers student nurse joins U.S. cadet nurse corps; canal to vote on constitution.

More on repatriation.

Page 2: Editorials; McWilliams to write report; cartoon.v

Page 3: Summer fashion show at canal; centralized hostel system plan of Kansas City area; September movie list released; royal pair to be revealed at hop; Terry leaving on business; OSYA will start carpentry class; Kansas City YC host to Nisei; Sawyer out on recruiting trip; yellow journalism prevails on coast.

Page 4: Warplant jobs; job offers; Kehoe announces office hours; CE union meet date changed; pattern drafting for beginners; accounting class starts Monday; Butte library has new books; coming-going.

Page 5: Property head urges early disposal of passenger car; Dies committee fulminates again; center sends 50 repatriates; vital statistics; job offers; canal night classes open.

California American Legion resolution.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #3: Aug. 28, 1943

Page 1: Eberharter defends WRA; Rivers to grow one-fifth of WRA food in 1943-1944; Air Corps may open to Nisei; OPA approves slaughter of cattle, hogs; relocation braked in Northern Utah area.

Page 2: Editorial; New York; cartoon.

Page 3: Center leaders will discuss, explain Butte constitution; aging father calls for son; Crystal City limits given; new OPA job may be offered; packing shed completion near; New Eng. ideal for relocation; Army mystery to be shown; court cases involve five.

Page 4: Picnic-hike set on canal; coming-going; last Amemiya concert; variety show by engei kai tonite; church services; vital statistics.

Page 5: Job offers; Utah area closed cont; five Nisei soldiers decorated for heroism; New England cont; anniversary hop; heart attack fatal to Kobata.v

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Volume 3 #4: Aug. 31, 1943

Page 1: Butte constitution discussion tonight; canal adopts charter by overwhelming vote; relocation issue being ironed; receipt deadline; Rivers to supply own meat need; shorter hours for hospital.

Page 2: New York is friendlier; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Three day crafts exibit at canal; Rivers rationed produce allowance equals outside; Milk has also gone to war; Amemiya concert for canal, Butte; sanitation needs stressed; adult education reopening soon; workers needed to build school; Osaki awaiting Army induction; call issued for 15 gardeners.

Page 4: Job offers; letters to the editor; Phoenician becomes first Nisei chief warrant officer; resettlement policies changed cont; vital statistics; canal library.

Page 5: Cleveland news editorially chides Ohio legion stand; coming-going; more wooden toys donated; New York cont; Butte marble champs named; Koko problem solved; bus-stop.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #5: Sept. 2, 1943

Page 1: Co-op case dropped by commission; movement to Tule Lake advanced to October 1; Amemiya pupils stage concert; messages may be sent to Japan; '43 income tax reminded; Butte to vote on constitution.

Page 2: Editorial; pre-hearing status maintained; cartoon.

Page 3: Photo studies re-established; party closes Christian Bible school session; last melons; election commission; Tule Lake; Yer Honor; OPA ration data workers needed; urgent call for teachers; fall registration for Butte students; Bennet, Terry on trip.

Page 4: Job offers; hospital will remain open; coming-going; night school registration; co-op status cont; income taxes cont; vital statistics.

vPage 5: Books for nurses aides arrive; 25 lbs. of project-grown tea ready for Rivers; movie; special diet now under Keadle; statistics point to 1943 as major epidemic year for polio; canal engei bu in final show; Tokyo broadcast confirms exchange.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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