Gila News-Courier, Volume 3 #36-40

Volume 3 #36: Nov. 13, 1943

Page 1: Tule Lake quiet under Army control; mess supervisors accept reduction of workers; Nisei recalls Kiska landing; tofu manufacture in Rivers soon; book issuance discontinued.

Page 2: Editorial; legion 'airs Facist principles'; cartoon.

Page 3: Shoe stamp rule changed; Tule Lake cont; Kiska cont; talk by Tuttle at PTA meeting; music treats for Butte, Canal; queen polls open in canal; shorthand and typing classes; mess confab in gila; reverend visits; vital statistics.

Page 4: Church services; check and pick; leaders training on; 'Burma Surgeon' added to shelf; evacuee property.

Page 5: National affiliation for Rivers Phalanx; wordwork class begins; To and Fro; deadline given for arts, crafts; Butte CAS plans gala festival; new library book; eats, fun at festival.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Page 9: Translation of above.

Volume 3 #37: Nov. 16, 1943

Page 1: Larger grants urged to accelerate relocation; hostel promoter due here Friday; council approves civic recreation center; chrysanthemums to First Lady; clean-up day for Butte; 234 evacuees work at Tule.

Page 2: Editorial; live by principles of Christianity; cartoon.

Page 3: Clothing grants issuance speeded; Negroes take over Lil' Tokyo in Los Angeles; churches and relocation cont; Scouts to hear Wolter; no bottles for milk; changes made in photo dates; Cinderella tale will be told by puppets in canal; relocation pic.

Page 4: Civic center cont; reports officers to handle five relocation areas' news; grants cont; shortage of cloth predicted; To and Fro; clean-up cont; R.C. control by war department?

Page 5: Canal raffle prizes displayed in canteen; Check and Pick; leadership class meets; coronation draws nearer; Rogers visits; Butte USO will hold meeting; two residents in Butte fined; new nurses; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #38: Nov. 18, 1943

Page 1: Council forms committee to study housing problems; Arizona anti-Japanese law goes to Supreme Court; Sgt. Komoto on air tonight; auto mechanics classes start; trio leaves on business trip; meet conduct.

Page 2: Editorial; church sermon attacks racism; cartoon.

Page 3: Gila boys join national club; night school offers five apprenticeship fields; puppets dance at canal tonight; Butte USO plans soldiers' special; livestock herd upped to 1647; To and Fro; canal Buddhists to get books; craft exhibit to be shown; on leave.

Page 4: Queen race in canal narrows down to five; Check and Pick; 'Tales of Manhattan' movie; music hour; vital statistics; housing-all movements must be okayed; commercial classes open.

Page 5: Trade Winds; 'Harvest Moon' bids on sale; adult education; canal USO girls honor soldiers; best seller; Check and Pick; Sawyer on trip.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #39: Nov. 20, 1943

Page 1: Lardner cites AJA soldiery; Grew urges square deal for Nisei; Nisei soldier declares he fights for liberty; family leaves to be fostered.

Page 2: Editorial; midwest family takes Nisei girl in adoption; cartoon; 'Hold that Ghost' movie.

Page 3: Strict enforcement of traffic laws urged; Grew cont; foreign assets must be filed; SCA sends gifts to evacuees; judges choose harvest queen; attention L.A. storage owners; farmers' tax deadline near; soldiers invited to USO social; vital statistics.

Page 4: Check and Pick; church schedule; developing program is leadership training topic; YP plans social on Thanksgiving; 'what's wrong with me' topic.

Page 5: To and Fro; personnel head due Monday; mess 45 to be turned into tofu factory; exclusion act repeal approved; 'Harvest Moon' sails in Butte; CAS sponsors music hour; solid geometry, Japanese offered; sports formal for new year; 'Harvest Moon' shines in canal.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #40: Nov. 23, 1943

Page 1: Thanksgiving week starts; trustees start writing checks; council study offense code; Butte clean-up this Saturday.

Page 2: Editorials; ex-Gilans show leadership.

Page 3: Holiday schedule; never a dull moment here; tofu, a dream no more; turkey for Thanksgiving.

Page 4: Check and Pick; farmers begin work on autumn harvest; Sato here; WRA nurse to review Gila; center chicken start laying; Corwin to visit Gila; commercial law; vital statistics.

Page 5: Farm is sole source of project meat; how to get sick leave, unemployment certificates; loose chicken still a menace; lack of leather holds up class; next daikon crop in danger; hospital plans benefit tea; manual arts; To and Fro.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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