Gila News-Courier, Volume 3 #96-100

Volume 3 #96: April 1, 1944

Page 1: Wolter explains leave status; wider education stresses at Washington conference; Goto brothers win damages; rules passed on dogs, cats; family leave program starts; block manages to take census.

Page 2: Iseri explains why she joined the WACs; editorial; animals cont; Gila surgeon leaves today.

Page 3: Pullmans for special cases; Butte to see free movie; Canal to get nursing course; 97 scheduled for final physical exam; CAS announces April's films; Canal checks barracks wiring; Camp Savage seeks recruits; bunnies shuffle on April 8th; canal staff donates to Red Cross; conference report cont.

Page 4: Sunday schedule of Gillett lectuers given; Gilans attend Y banquet; PF starts drive for members; Christian service hour changed; church schedule; WAVES take OST; Buddhists plan theater party; Phi Sigmas meet.

Page 5: Check and pick; Butte Red Cross schedule revised; to and fro; farm jobs for 500 school boys; Rivers' celery; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #97: April 4, 1944

Page 1: Injuries should be reported; colonel explains why Nisei have special units; income filing due April 15; hundred more take physical; co-op corrects photo date; reserve corps status explained; farm warning.

Page 2: Sixty Hawaiian Nisei decorated; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Pre-Easter hop; leave clearance hearings now held at Tule Lake; Canal students help out aides; flower exhibit opens; choir practice; dietary aides get duty shoes; Red Cross seeks word of Tanaka; Phi Sigmas meet; fun-by-doing postponed; Yuasa sought; vital statistics.

Page 4: Check and Pick; vacation hours for toy loan; Sawyer meets Gilans in Washington; separate units cont; housing good in Cleveland; ex-servicemen meet tonight.

Page 5: PTA to help feed children; over 19,000 evacuees living outside centers; for sale-ice cream; to and fro; Texas farm offer open; Tuleans join cadet nurses.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #98: April 6, 1944

Page 1: First Nisei killed in Pacific war; equal rights petition ready; council shifts officers, plans reorganization; WRA to help in emergencies; Arizona college faculty to visit; Nisei eligible for FSA loan.

Page 2: Fortune on 'Issei, Nisei, Kibei'; editorial; social security.

Page 3: Leave denial cases deferred; declamation contest planned; students eligible for Rivers essay contest; packages asked to be claimed; Buddhists plan Hana Matsuri; 'Holiday Inn' to be shown; radio play has all-male cast.

Page 4: New York housing is guaranteed; fire hits dump truck; job offers; new books in Butte library; changes made in fish schedule; Nisei success story.

Page 5: Evacuees farm own food needs; extra eggs for Easter; dedication date for monument set; new hours for hostel visitors; trainees for library planned; to and fro; church meeting; ex-Gilan wins speech contest.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #99: April 8, 1944

Page 1: Nisei may use absentee ballot; twenty-one men named for induction; Chicago hostel closes April 27; visitor compares Gila with Heart Mt; Huso to attend Chicago meeting; report injuries to timekeeper.

Page 2: New York-Sakurai sums up living conditions; editorial; classification issued on possession of animals; return Monday.

Page 3: Check and Pick; Butte hospital inaugurates new visiting hours; 'bunny shuffe' in Butte tonight; milk permits; shoemaker offer in New Mexico; co-op calls in cash receipts; library changes evening hours.

Page 4: Butte Buddhists plan Hana Matsuri; songs and trumpets will herald Easter; Canal program starts with sunrise; novel sunset service planned; Girl Scouts II elect officers; Phalanx to meet; church schedule.

Page 5: Opportunities for private enterprise in Kansas; to and fro; Schafer has two openings; five attend demonstration; visitor compares two centers cont; gardening pays in Cincinnati.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #100: April 11, 1944

Page 1: Paper features Wolter's talk; twelve to leave for Texas camp; co-op may alter supervision; state meeting; first Nisei paratrooper; Bennett, Runyan back from trip; ex-Canalites at universities.

Page 2: Three assigned as interviewers; New York described in 16-page pamphlet; Canal watering days changed; Butte Red Cross limits messages; toy,game loan receives gifts; Bennett tells of Manzanar; no swimming in canal asked; blocks celebrate Easter holiday; Rivers needs office help.

Page 3: Check and Pick; ice cream sale announced; writer to visit Gila; fun-by-doing; to and fro; Mrs. Roosevelt boosts McCormick; farm opportunities in Michigan; Delta Phi meets; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

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