Gila News-Courier, Volume 3 #101-105

Volume 3 #101: April 13, 1944

Page 1: Gila dedicates memorial Sunday; eight Arizona schools convene here; Mills assigned to head Poston; Nisei chaplain commissioned; trial date set for Postonian.

Page 2: Keeping tab on New York; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Emrick praises 'boys' for livestock record; stage door canteen arrives; Girls league Nisei attend Peoria meeting; war memorial cont; those concerned contact office; Cedergren tours Granada center; Chicago Nisei doing well; Canal Phalanx inducts nine.

Page 4: To and Fro; Trade Winds; hostel to open in New York City on May 10; Canal schedule of week's events; vital statistics; FBI arrests draft evaders; Nisei employed in CIO union office.

Page 5: Check and Pick; April 'Fortune' in Butte library; weight limit on shipment of household goods lifted; residents want humane society; Butta CAS has shakuhachi flute.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #102: April 15, 1944

Page 1: Dedication postponed; Ickes defends WRA; university men visit Rivers; early clearance hastens leave; Bernhard to aid in law matters; ban hardball within blocks.

Page 2: Topaz children speak on evacuation; editorial.

Page 3: Pasadenians form group to fight for Nisei rights; Japanese get blood donation; firemen needed on project; Japanese books in two libraries; new hospital hours released; aliens, parolees may enter EDC; fire destroys Kingsburgh Japanese church; Delta Phis open membership drive.

Page 4: Relocators in Boston make many friends; check and pick; residents donate books to library; Red Cross seeks Santa Marians; church schedule.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #103: April 18, 1944

Page 1: Jerome to send 2,000 to Gila; readjusted government strengthens ex. board; Butte council shifts cabinet; Army inducts twenty Gilans; council ok's recreation association.

Page 2: Nisei lieutenant describes Army; editorial; cartoon.

Page 3: Girls' League represented in state confab in Butte; don't let children play with matches; recreation association cont; Canal schedule of week's events; women's crafts exhibit in canal; fun-by-doing in Canal tonight.

Soldiers sentenced.

Page 4: Check and Pick; Chicago housing still available; relocation film featured again; hay for dairy; pre-induction starts at Tule; toya and loan receives books; vital statistics.

Page 5: Iki's statement on relocation; Tucson superintendent praises Rivers school system; Buttet Buddhists plan publication; workers wanted by staff housing; to and fro; social welfare needs workers; bus ours again.

Page 6: Sports.

Page 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #104: April 20, 1944

Page 1: Dedication this Sunday; eighteen Gilans to go to Phoenix for physicals; co-op delegates report on meet; Nisei commended for war work; Courier prints Fortune article.

The governor of Ohio.

Page 2: Cleveland poll seeks extent of discrimination; Nisei prominent at Evanston J.C.

Editorial about events in New Jersey.

Page 3: Butte high lists nominees for King, Queen; centerites may vote in Calif. as absentee voters; western movie coming to Rivers; empty seat in judicial body; to clean temples; co-op meet cont; teachers' meeting.

Page 4: Nisei pathologist receives Guggenheim fellowship; check and pick; center papers bound at school; 'Lost Weekend' in Butte library; tailoring class opens in Butte; special candy sale by co-op; clean water tank; Christian church.

Page 5: Bazaar in Canal; ice cream on sale Saturday; Utah restrictions relaxed for men entering Army; Maryland cab co. seeks workers; benefit movie in Butte next week; recreation board meeting postponed; to and fro; new books in toy game dept; Ost to leave for Waves in May; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #105: April 22, 1944

Page 1: Signed petition sent to F.D.R.; two speakers arranged for monument dedication; more induction orders arrive; Gila prepares for newcomers; Dr. Lobeman added to hospital staff.

Page 2: Editorial; understanding is 'East West' aim.

New Jersey.

Page 3: Orders arrive for eighteen; National Youth Week to be observed here; 'Iron Major' coming Tuesday; monument cont.; group condemns Colorado bill; maritime unions open to Nisei; dogs, cats must be inoculated.

Page 4: To and Fro; farming opportunities abound in Des Moines; state educators visit Rivers; Purple Heart awarded Nisei; Butte G.R.'s meet; church schedule.

Page 5: Check and Pick twenty-four seniors make honor society; Butte Red Cross limits messages; handicraft class meets Thursday; P.F. members conduct panel; petition cont; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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