Gila News-Courier, Volume 3 #136-140

Volume 3 #136: July 4, 1944

Page 1: Editorial; welcome Jerome, observe fourth; sixteen selective service orders arrive; Rivers canning factory to open; co-op receipts deadline; 'Nightmare' on weekend bill.

Page 2: Labor short, housing fair in Buffalo area; Butte PTA plans for new semester; ice, milk tickets void after July 1; tid bits record sale; shaved ice sold at Canal movies; octet for vesper service named/ PF devotional; cannery cont; vital statistics; tailor class; canal GR's.

Page 3: Check and pick; English classes open for Issei; credit courses are still open; 300 workers assigned jobs; to and fro; Wakada heads Buttle housing.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #137: July 6, 1944

Page 1: President signs citizenship law; Gilan dies in action on Italian front; Spanish delegate comes next week; US president urges tolerance; return allowed after induction.

Tule Lake.

Page 2: War veteran visits Denver; editorial; letters rap prejudice; Japan message.

Page 3: Nisei may join ASTRP program; ruling given on Hawaii return; sp. coach will leave on alternate weeks; two hospital workers leave; Butte council elects officers; aids counselors; Gen. Bonesteel commands coast; mystery movie this week end.


Page 4: Relocation program progressing says Myer; Hikida given Y appointment; check and pick; Obon practice begins tonight; canvas repairer sought in Canal; Delti Phi's hold meeting.

Page 5: Berman appointed relocation head in Newark; Titus named Dayton officer; visitors; former Gilans praised for work; appeal notices filed in court for 63 Japanese; 'Invincible' theme for annual.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #138: July 8, 1944

Page 1: Butte council studies juvenile code; petition seeks to enjoin coast exclusion of Nisei; Canal council elects cabinet; Poston leads; relocation bus goes for good; Dr. West, acting chief.

Page 2: Juvenile code cont; editorial; advertisements to be taken at News Courier.

Page 3: New hospital hours listed; special coach may be arranged for July 20; court trials; traffic rules will be enforced; Junior Girl Reserves; coolers to be repaired; music for Gila schools; school library open daily; variety in Canal library.

Page 4: Bussei sponsor service, social; Japanese movie shown tonight; Christians plan Jerome welcome; check and pick; messages ask to be claimed; church services.

Page 5: Short term leaves cannot be converted; Gila consumers 1000 melons; panel discusses alien status; Shelby soldiers visit Rohwer; to and fro; tidbits; new book.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #139: July 11, 1944

Page 1: Jerome checks have arrived; three in Army, three to go; Nisei Americans lead assault in Italy; laundry opens tomorrow; four men leave for active duty; conserve water Janeway warns; 100th bn. fights brilliantly; Scout leader speaks tonight.

Page 2: Nisei family enjoys dairy; watch that match; editorial; five sons serving in Armed Forces.

Page 3: Seabrook manager comes here Thursday; many opportunities offered in Buffalo; space open in N.Y. hostel; former prexy joins ASTRP; consultations for students; Bible school signup begins; law student awarded prize; Mrs. Peddy joins relocation staff.

Making deadly weapons.

Page 4: Fifty men needed for railroads; check and pick; 14 held for draft evasion; Canal invites Butte Bussei; annual pictures; Butte band to rehearse.

Tule sentry not guilty.

Page 5: To and Fro; Harada missing; Gila observes sober fourth; game hour; tofu for peptic ulcers.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 3 #140: July 13, 1944

Page 1: Co-op cash refunds start Saturday; sale of alcoholic drinks here improbable; special coaches leave July 20-27; ambulances will be transferred; doctors ask cooperation; co-op drive for members started; three inducted into active duty; ice cream; Butte YBA.

Page 2: Brethren church welcomes Nisei; to give course in mechanics; check and pick; Obon signup ends tomorrow; two persons plead guilty; tid-bits; addresses for messages asked; vital statistics.

Page 3: Contest slated by Butte high; Philadelphia hostel provides home for fifty relocators; Leupp center plans abandoned; leave clearance forms clarified; Girls' club offer by church; acting principal; to and fro; paper drive.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

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