Gila Bulletin

Vol. 1 #1, Sept. 8, 1945

Page 1: Hostels: freight not accepted; two die in train wreck; final YBA service; booklets available; leave regulations; obstetrics to close; YBA final cabinet meeting; boxes-removing of handles; Dinuba hostel opens.

Page 2: Temporary changes; a wedding; Columbus-family hostel opens; Brooklyn hostel-reports favorable; data- coast returnees; San Francisco-Navy man backs Nisei; Greater Illinois-new appointment made; ads and ends.

Page 3: To homes, old and new (list of names).

Pages 4, 5: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #2, Sept. 12, 1945

Page 1: Lump sum payments stopped; new OPA rulings; women workers needed; Butte to receive Canal welfare records; tobacco sale near; Housing-openings in Cincinnati; no auction sale; canal closes canteens; office to be closed; for interpreting use; special bound buses.

Page 2: To and Fro; Miyake says Wilson plantation favorable; 2 new staff members; ACLU-no reward claimers; S/Sgt and wife back.

Pages 3 and 4: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #3, Sept. 14, 1945

Page 1: Bronze star awarded to Pvt. Yoshihara; messages stopped; WRA and FPHA to aid evacuees in housing; Japanese waterfront restrictions lifted; to and fro; ads and ends; vital statistics.

Page 2: To homes, old and new list of names.

Pages 3 and 4: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #4, Sept. 19, 1945

Page 1: A reminder to all future relocators; five inductees get active duty notices; Iwasaki visits Rivers; photo art shown; certain offices open Saturday; FPHA has apartments ready for veterans; Seattle-hotel reserves rooms; house for relocators; details of Nisei GI language school; evacuee welcomed.

Page 2: To homes, old and new list of names; staff-personnel additions; 442nd presents $4300 for memorial to FDR.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #5, Sept. 21, 1945

Page 1: Suitcases to be picked up at houses; relocation drops population to 3340; Chicago council approves anti-discrimination ordinance; buses leave Butte; Southern Pacific to hire former workers; education office to close; 8 families leave for Oxnard, Long Beach; 38 evacuees now at Wilson Plantation; adds and ends; relocation parade.

Page 2: Relocation Parade continued -list of names.

Page 3: Shotaro Hikida reports on housing, business in Chicago.

Page 4: Hostels- helps for housing; honor to Nisei vets.

Pages 5, 6: News of former Gilans.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #6, Sept. 26, 1945

Page 1: Various short notes.

Page 2: Relocation parade names; former Gilans.

Page 3: News, here and there.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #7, Sept. 28, 1945

(final edition)

Page 1: Director appreciates cooperation; student fund transferred; Des Moines hostel helps.

Page 2: Relocators asked to file address card; Gilans in Des Moines.

Page 3: Relocation parade; child from Gila dies in Sacramento, Ca; hospital mess needs workers; gymnasium in Florin hostel for 60 people; church service.

Pages 4, 5: In Japanese.

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