Gila News-Courier, Volume 4 #36-40

Volume 4 #36: May 5, 1945

Page 1: Camouflage fun converted for community use; Nisei troops spearhead drive into north Italy; two die, three injured; Kawahara called to active duty.

Page 2: Coronet magazine covers 100th battalion; editorial; Cleveland opens service office; Iwo Jima hero back in Arizona; returnees rest at St. Louis.

Page 3: Nisei veterans visit center; junior-senior prom tonight in canal; to and fro; finance section has wiener bake; canal hi gets commerce ratingl Delta Phi girls fill vacancies.

Page 4: Check and Pick; S.F. Red Cross office gets canal donation; institute gives special service; Phoenix family wants worker; ads and ends; cooking class will not meet; social worker speaks at J.C.; nurse detailed to Topaz, Utah.

Page 5: Rev. Kyogoku to address YBA; Butte YBA will hear Rev. Hida; Capt. Aki hopes for early peace; reserve hostel spaces early; elementary PTA plans program; vital statistics; church schedule.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #37: May 9, 1945

Page 1: Two more men wounded on Italian front; victory in Europe day announced yesterday; seven called for physicals; Arizona board visits schools; Butte to honor Ishida; clothing drive this Saturday.

Page 2: Courage needed, says N.Y. artist; Welch visits Rivers.

Doi case

Against prejudice.

Page 3: To and Fro; Butte school crafts to be exhibited; welfare alters grant payments; Rainbow Girls plan 'The Waltz'; eye specialist takes sign-ups; tobacco sale starts today.

Page 4: Check and Pick; Bennett speaks to canal grads; WRA takes measures to help housing; 'drop-in' open to servicemen; California man seeks laborers; meeting changes for Delta Phis; Club Girls plan picnic; May 8 special coach canceled; vital statistics.

Page 5: Rev. Kyogoku speaks Sunday; appropriation of Butte community fund decided; educator here from Wash. D.C.; Butte hi plans oratory contest; cadet nurses visit families; workers join appointed staff.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #38: May 12, 1945

Page 1: Farm cuts employees to close camp; additions to Army list given; Private Yeto killed, two others injured; Rivers honors dead soldiers; WRA staff gets ready to leave; those castor plants.

Page 2: To and Fro; editorial.

Page 3: WRA pocketbook gets flatter; unemployed are told 'seek outside positions'; kin of soldiers warned of fraud; 'Murdered Alive' Friday; message comes via Red Cross; grape growers seek workers; Kuroki rides B-29 over Japan; Delta Phi girls; vital statistics.

Page 4: Check and Pick; Texas good for vegetable farm; Oregon farmers find markets; resettlers in Madison feted; evacuees seek places to live; welfare seeks stenographer; facts available on L.A. schools.

Page 5: YBA prepares mother's party; Mesan to speak in canal today; PF to observe mothers day; YBA will meet; Rev. Kimura to speak in canal; positions open as translators; piano resumes; ads and ends; church schedule.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #39: May 16, 1945

Page 1: Excludees urged to appeal if case justifies; Army invokes stricter control on departures; Gila land lease expires Oct. 7; Bennett leaves for coast trip.

Page 2: Sinatra urges race tolerance; editorial; eight Red Cross messages here; Union accepts Nisei Americans; less meat for Gila residents.

Page 3: Students join national club; canal hi lists honor students; Canal scouts elect officers; 'Murdered Alive' Friday night; Nakamura joins U.S. Army; tobacco sale begins; Delta Phi meets; ex-Gilan wins design contest.

Shots fired.

Page 4: Check and Pick; San Jose opens evacuee hostel; Massachusetts has openings; counselors for canal chosen; hostel opens in Seattle too; ads and ends.

Page 5: To and Fro; Butte convalescent home started; project staff changes listed; former teacher studies at Yale; cooking class movie postponed.


Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #40: May 19, 1945

Page 1: Seven called for induction; soldiers hurt some time ago; conserve water supply.


Ickes upset.

Page 2: Fresno pastor opens hostel; editorial; on student returnees; Delti Phi girls elect new prexy.

Page 3: To and Fro; contest suggestion by Gilan accepted; Butte hi to give final music recital; Cub Scouts have court tonight; canal high PTA to meet Monday.

Page 4: Check and Pick; Detroit industries cut working hours; movie depicts race tolerance; family returns to Santa Ana; Buffalo, N.Y. has federal housing.

Page 5: Army, Navy extends 'surviving son' policy; Visalia opens new WRA office; young Buddhists meet tonight; children seek missing mother; ads and ends; church schedule.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

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