Gila News-Courier, Volume 4 #46-50

Volume 4 #46: June 9, 1945

Page 1: Relocation aid available for needy families; Rivers high school graduates 230 seniors; Myer to visit center Monday; election day next Tuesday.

Page 2: Pamphlet gives problems of relocation; visitor from Philadelphia; correction on co-op payments; Nakamura heads humane society; welfare needs typewriters; Nisei veteran gets AFL job.


Page 3: Ration books issued locally; adult education offers practical job training; canal graduates to be honored; outside cities plan welcome; Compton Jaycee soldiers wanted; Poston center graduates 302; Courier accepts ads.

Page 4: Gen. Clark-'Nisei fought magnificently'; water ok for drinking use; LA Japanese hold memorial rites; sergeant wins field promotion; WRA forms new east coast area; shoe equipment for sale in N.Y.; appointed staff gets additions.

Page 5: Hospital-experienced men, women needed; Butte junior YBA meets tomorrow; Butte YBA will nominate new officers; Rev. Stuart speaks Sunday; YW board meets; canal YBA fills vacant offices; ads and ends; church schedule.

Page 6: Sports.

Page 7: To and fro; job offers.

Pages 8-11: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #47: June 13, 1945

Page 1: Reserve corp status canceled effective June; summer session starts Monday; nine called to active service; summer classes are voluntary; benefit film in Butte tonight; canal releases summer program; notices.

Page 2: Pfc. Wada wins star for valor; editorial; Missouri Nisei honor parents; Nichol warns residents on chickens (they're not allowed to have them as pets); JACL publishes Nisei pamphlet.

Page 3: Clothing units will be merged; sundae to be served Sunday; draft boards review all 4-C cases; vehicle stamps at post office; girl receives honor to speak; fox film corp. employs Nisei; janitor course to open soon; canal's clinic chief on leave; Butte girls to collect clothes.

Page 4: Final harvest of hay near; Miss Montgomery aids relocation; democracy in Japan described; Nisei elected class president; obtain licenses for dogs soon; vegetable farm plans closing; Cleveland seeks evacuee housing.

Page 5: To and Fro; canal elects Hi-Y officers; Hotta to lead jr. YBA group; service planned for Dad's day; canal Buddhists acknowledge aid; vital statistics; ads and ends.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #48: June 16, 1945

Page 1: Canal adult ed. job training starts Monday; councilmen elected for final six month term; four more get Army physicals; diet messes will close; special coach schedule given.

Page 2: Editorial; students get cook training; Nisei casualty hit 750 mark.

Force no okay in exclusion.

Page 3: Canal summer session begins Monday; medical services for WRA to be curtailed; Butte registration for grade school; cashier handles unclaimed check; canal doctor discontinued; cactus bowl open tonight.

Page 4: Church offers $150 to Gilan; college accepts Butte alumni; California attacks arouse friendly groups; cooking class to graduate; attacks against Nisei deplored; Gilan helps on college paper; fish market.

Page 5: Canal alumnae attend college; Butte grade students above average; nominees listed for YBA posts; Rev. Morton to speak in canal; church schedule; Butte Buddhists to honor dads; canal to hear Rev. Hata.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #49: June 20, 1945

Page 1: Twelve called for induction; canal camp will close by October says Myer; Santa Barbarans meet tonight; fund proposed for student aid; transportation by bus sought.

Page 2: Myer to inspect WRA on west coast; editorial; Nisei veterans reach New York; Butte library gets new books; WRA announces 1007 returnees; pamphlet issued for resettlers.

Page 3: Resettlers must ask assistance in advance; teen canteen open this week; awards go to canal students; Butte YBA graduates party; federal charge against Gilan (embezzling); hostel requires reservations; girl from Gila receives degree; Butte seniors plan meeting; library seeks missing books.

Page 4: Check and Pick; Buffalo offers housing for six adults; hostel ruling eases housing; Milwaukee forms Nisei council; Cleveland calls relocation meet; travelers urged to take sheets.

Page 5: To and Fro; drivers licenses to be issued; administrative staff changes; former Gilan gets B.S. degree; Butte school calls in books; vital statistics; ads and ends.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9 :In Japanese.

Volume 4 #50: June 23, 1945

Page 1: Canal releases final list of honor students; ruling on canal closing is further clarified; trade schools open to Nisei; Nisei casualties hit 2,111 mark.

Page 2: Choate chosen LA supervisor; welfare worker visits project; two evacuees attend UCLA; soldier-'down with bigotry'; Milwaukee to aid relocators.


Page 3: Two Gila boys finish paratroop course; mess inventory to be taken; young people's church moved; hostels-new revised list published; family units open in Ill.; tobacco sale next Thursday; family returns to Long Beach.

Page 4: Gilans attend Wiggins School; check and pick; Monterey cannery awaits evacuee return; hostel opens in Pittsburgh; evacuee opens hotel in L.A.; Seattle plans resettlement; Pittsburgh has nursery offer.

Page 5: Butte YBA plans election Sunday; identification to cash checks; servicemen parents club meets tomorrow; canal YBA to chose cabinet; council, school funds separate; Hoshizaki to address canal; canal watch repair closed; church schedule; Dr. Suda opens Fresno office.

Page 6: Sports.

Page 7: Relocators and visitors; Hood River organizes aid; ads and ends; vital statistics.

Pages 8-10: In Japanese.

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