Gila News-Courier, Volume 4 #61-65

Volume 4 #61: Aug. 4, 1945

Page 1: Second victim of tragedy dies this morning; Nisei veterans back from overseas battles; son of Gilan commissioned; rationing to be meeting topic.

Page 2: Gen. Devers praises Nisei, scores racism; editorial; former scouts write to Gila; visitor to have job openings; new appointees.

Page 3: Relocation parade; Butte elementary PTA will disband; plans to enter S.F. college.

Page 4: CIO raps Nisei discrimination; Sakamoto recruits for Glendale farm; check and pick; return articles to toy loan; girl employed by Fresno WRA; Nisei named to teaching post; Walnut Grove family happy; Nisei girl gets magazine job.

Page 5: Canal YBA to combine service; public invited to P.F. service; library offers subscription; G.I. college Nisei elected to presidency; canal G.R. to meet; YBA speaker to bid farewell; Seabrook wants more workers; cooking photos now available; church schedule; ads and ends.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #62: Aug. 8, 1945

Page 1: More veterans from overseas to visit project; Army presents D.S.C. to staff sgt. Masuda; Zgen. Pratt on exclusion rule; Seabrook has jobs, housing; WRA men from Arkansas here.

Page 2: Pratt cont; editorial; church invites returnees; laundry opened by former Gilan; east coast area office has new location.

Page 3: Gila Issei gets WRA position; red, blue ration stamps in book 4 explained; curb placed on ice cream order; optometry will be discontinued; girls prepare puppet display; Catholic church service Sunday; vital statistics.

Shots fired.

Page 4: Check and pick; Chicago-funds offered by Red Cross; Pittsburgh aids evacuee family; staff additions, changes listed; Issei social is successful; shop employs former Gilans.

Page 5: To and Fro; Illinois laws simplify welfare and eligibility; canal Cubs plan final meeting; messages from Japan unclaimed; Dr. Lawson has cooking recipes; ads and ends.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #63: Aug. 11, 1945

Page 1: Twelve called for physicals; director Myer orders weekly leave quotas; Nisei dancer to tour west; sports section writes thirty.

Page 2: Satow suggests aid to resettlers; editorial; Cleveland group meet to aid resettlers; opens store in Washington, D.C.; students need transfer slips.

Page 3: Welfare needs more workers; Gila boys win infantry badge; WRA announces 755 casualties; Courier staff loses veterans; Aug. 13 buses shifted to Aug. 15; centers send 6000 to Army; tobacco sale; tragedy victims up and around; hospital needs 2 receptionists.

Page 4: Check and Pick; New York-worker demand remains high; Detroit group aids resettlers; Gilan active in Cleveland; majority return to California; purchases home in Des Moines.

Page 5: Extra time to be compensated; optometry glass orders have arrived; special stamp for shoes here; Japan messages at Red Cross; asks return of toy and game; new entry for hospital visits; church schedule; ads and ends.

Page 6: To homes, old and new; Butte scholar reaches Boston.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #64: Aug. 18, 1945

Page 1: President announces Japanese surrender; two boys win Bronze Stars; shipments at federal cost; Santa Barbara hostel opens; Berkeley starts housing plan; ask resettlers to give address.

Page 2: Takes teaching job in Turkey; editorial; jobs to open in St. Louis; LA producer seeks former cook; staff additions, changes listed; Yagura works in Philadelphia.

Page 3: Get bus ticket day before trip; schedule for movies listed; men detailed to make boxes; chest fund to be liquidated; canal library to sell books; hospital ends well-baby unit; gambling to be strictly curbed; shoe stamps at canal ad building; toy game loan.

Page 4: Eight hostels listed in L.A.; veterans eligible for travel grant; check and pick; job training offered in NY; evacuees work in fish cannery; Gilan completes beauty school; population of camps decrease.

Page 5: Sports; Lodi opens hostel for 50 people; positions open at Miami U; more messages at Red Cross; Detroit hostel opening soon; ads and ends; chicken raising is successful.

Page 6: Relocation Parade; Bishop to talk on relocation; vital statistics; church schedule.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #65: Aug. 22, 1945

Page 1; Check-up on evacuee aliens merely routine; service held for Sgt. Fujino; McCloy berates unfriendly acts against Nisei; summary of hog farm is given; seek WRA to help get drivers license; finance needs replacements.

Page 2: Obata returns to university; editorial; staff new additions; Lakes area is being surveyed; Red Cross has Japan messages; former Gilan becomes WAC.

Page 3: Sports; welfare assistance and grants to end; WMC cooperates to aid evacuees; Nakama to teach in Hawaii; cooking pupils win credentials; Oregon WFA has evacuee checks; judge reasserts original stand; veteran stars for fifth army.

Page 4: Check and Pick; hospital strict visiting hours enforced; Santa Clara Co. offers farming; hostels lack storage space; former Gilan gets commission; Omaha gathering includes Gilans; Missouri univ. accepts sisters; welfare worker to be absent.

Page 5: To and Fro; Iwasaki plans Fresno legal practice; college wants capable Nisei; hotel opened in Watsonville; toy, game loan will close; new books at Butte library; L.A. schools open Sept. 4; ads and ends. Catholic church Sunday morning.

Pages 6, 7: In Japanese.

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