Gila News-Courier, Volume 4 #66-69

Volume 4 #66: Aug. 25, 1945

Page 1: Vet's families eligible for federal housing; former Gila official discusses relocation; resettlers farm in Philadelphia; Courier office has openings.

Page 2: Walnut Grove-two hotels to open this month; editorial; northwest area bulletin here; Nisei student works on farm; two employed as dressmakers; Des Moines-former Gilans attend dinner; accident fatal to Issei victim; Gilan recovers from operation.

Page 3: Bill of lading is important; Nisei troops lead Italy victory parade; WRA announces more hostels; Utah schools accept evacuees; college offers aid to students; students need transfer slips; newspaper ad brings results.

Page 4: Nisei employed by Walt Disney; check and pick; Pittsburgh consumers coop. needs workers; distribution of YBA books; field bulletin now available; Nisei talents tour hospitals; former Gilans re-open hotel; Nisei Dr. joins hospital staff.

Page 5: To homes, old and new.

Page 6: Co-op stores to be closed; medal awarded to Sgt. Noguchi; book describes St. Louis area; Issei resettlers can secure aid; vital statistics; canal dental clinic to close; church schedule; ads and ends.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #67: Aug. 29, 1945

Page 1: Two families notified of soldiers deaths; Cleveland has work lay-offs; co-op elects three trustees to close shops; grape pickers needed in Lodi; Gilan awarded rifleman badge; pamphlets here on relocation; Walnut Grove buildings burn.

Page 2: USES report job increases; editorial; Issei resettled in Pennsylvania; Philadelphia nurses help relocation.

Page 3: Nisei officer visits project; get assistance before leaving; to investigate Arkansas farm; Nisei enroll in Sacramento J.C.; Cleveland opens school Sept. 10; hospital needs receptionist; anti-Japanese leaders charged (fraud); welfare grants to stop Sept. 1; Calif. schools to open soon; nine gamblers fined last week.

Page 4: Check and Pick; New York City Nisei couple helps evacuees; novelist plans race mediation; Nisei vets take far east job; Chicago school has scholarship.

Page 5: Relocation Parade; aliens may own real property; council elects new treasurer; Rev. returns to Sacrament; vital statistics; ads and ends.

Pages 6. 7: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #68: Sept. 1, 1945

Page 1: Todd announces 40 hour week for project workers; evacuee seeks broker's license; Labor Day is announced a legal holiday; former Gilan likes Oxnard; Nisei work as ship radio men; workers wanted at Miami University; federal housing being sought; sports.

Page 2: Notify director of further use; editorial; hostel opens in Pittsburgh; Nisei speakers to be featured.

Page 3: To homes old and new; piano lessons discontinued; ads and ends; vital statistics.

Page 4: Hostel opens in Frisco for 125; Seattle-several hostels now operating; WRA officials speak on radio; check and pick; credentials for cooking here; ex-Gilan finds job to liking; workers needed on McLean farms; Santa Ana WRA hires 3 Nisei.

Page 5: Return books by Sept. 8; persons should claim glasses; L.A. firm hires 28 Japanese; Rev. Nakadegawa speaks Sunday; post office closes Monday; church schedule.

Bus mechanics.

Pages 6, 7: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #69: Sept. 5, 1945

Page 1: Shelley says; Army cancels orders for individual exclusion; News Courier writes 'thirty'; Terry's message; Mrs. Fleming pays tribute to the Courier.

Page 2: Hostel opens in St. Louis; the final issue; from hi. school into nursing; Monterey has hostel now; ads and ends.

Page 3: Army decides Hawaii return; hospital event visits to discontinue; hostel opens in Milwaukee; ten Gila boys win Army badges; well-baby clinic to open again; more personnel members arrive; CAS to hold auction sale.

Page 4: Established in Nebraska home; resettler finds Wilson farm o.k.; check and pick; Masaoka gets Army award; Tracy schools open Sept. 10; Gilans reach Morristown, N.J.; Detroit plans church hostel.

Page 5: Relocation Parade; Army officer hires couple; N.Y. nurse service open to Nisei.

Government crack-down.

Pages 6, 7: In Japanese.

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