Granada Pioneer V.1 #61-65

Vol. 1 #61: May 1, 1943

Page 1: To permit return of cameras, radio sets; new list to be compiled; calendar; 29 volunteers leave center; Beery recruits skilled workers; child health conference to be held.

Page 2: Editorial; Short Takes; check cashing hours changed; Hoffman praises fire dept.

Page 3: Mrs. Roosevelt visits center; 'Monitor': Manzanar is now one year old; may modify leave plans; cutters get $35 per day; execution of fliers decried.

A prejudiced city.

Page 4: Church services; Seicho-no-iye; Suzuki in Kansas; college-age group; Kuroda speaks; job opportunities; teachers meet; Sunday school.

Page 5: Cartoon; Thumbnail Sketches; transfers; thank you; residents warned; lost & found.

Page 6: 'Love Thy Neighbor' to be screened; glasses fitted at block 6G; vaudeville show to precede movies; school annual editor selected; enrollment totals 544; Ordway seniors to visit here; nursery teachers resign positions; two instructors leave for work; two added to staff.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: A Nisei views Chicago.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Page 13: Lil' Neebo calendar.

Vol. 1 #62: May 5, 1943

Page 1: Army recruiter for Camp Savage expected May 13; Issei given rights to hold elective offices; farm conference scheduled; friends drop in on police chief; Bodine will aid students; WAAC: Nisei may enlist soon; co-op control transferred; welfare advisor is appointed; calendar.

Page 2: Editorials; evacuees able to earn 22% more; woman fined $200, sentenced 90 days (gambling); visiting soldiers; vital statistics; lost & found; Pioneer needs writers now.

Page 3: OWI director declares Nisei 'also outraged' (by the execution of the flyers in Japan); Malcom Pitts refutes charges; farm work: more evacuees to be used; evacuation is tragic; milk, milk products to be rationed.

Guess what? California again.

Page 4: Short Takes; translators are sought; 'Joan of Paris' to start run; job opportunities; teacher shortage closes classes; workers needed by center hospital.

Page 5: Thumbnail sketches; editor blasts Post's 'Fascist techniques'; cartoon.

Page 6: 75 halt work at Heart Mountain; evacuee resettlement problems are revealed; Bodine to speak on relocation; 150 railroad workers needed; decision up to Dewitt; last rites; Boulder school accepts waves.

California again.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Y's way; 'Y' to honor mothers; wedding; speaker on hairdressing; field meet will feature program; church services; Mother's Day; Bussei cards; Bussei social; YBA conference; to Lycan.

Page 9: Lil' Neebo cartoon.

Pages 10-13: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #63: May 8, 1943

Page 1: Farm plans to recruit 200; charter amendment vote is scheduled; council head; calendar; set dates for leave photos.

Page 2: Editorial; Short Takes; workers may apply for emergency aid; new picture starts run; sign-up for work in block offices; transfers; stories, poems, we need them now; visiting soldiers.

Page 3: State demands investigation; naval students at Boulder work hard; Bill Hosokawa is reporter; job opportunities; Nisei does good deed; safe return to coast seen.

Two articles on prejudice.

Page 4: Thumbnail Sketches; cartoon; may change request for repatriation; civil aeornautics policy revised.

Page 5: It's scorpions, snakes season; Bodine to interview students; Amache captures three firsts in competiton; pupils begin victory garden; students visit; announce changes in junior Nisei classes; school plans kite festival; May Day program; home on trucks; Schools have new teachers.

Page 6: Sports.

Page 7: Church to sponsor Mother's Day program; Katatsu to talk on 'infinite power'; tea party set for tomorrow; YWCA official speaks; college-age group meets tomorrow; Scouts get awards at court of honor; Boy Scouts fete mothers, hold field day; music hour to feature 'Carmen'; church schedule.

Page 8: Lil' Neebo cartoon.

Pages 9-14: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #64: May 12, 1943

Page 1: Editorial; interview of soldiers set; civil service tests planned; first charter amendment passes; calendar; present movies may be changed; all must have pictures taken; postponement of contest is announced.

Page 2: Editorial; Amache director is impressed by Gila farm; job opportunities; letter to the editor; visiting soldiers.

Page 3: LA Times laud Chandler's plan to abolish most camps; wives divorce Japanese men; Gen. DeWitt may get new post; caution against use of castoria; he defied coast ban; editorial.

Guess what? California yet again.

Page 4: Thumbnail sketches; Troop 162 gets 'top field meet' honors; 9K girls work on Mother's Day; high school hears talks; 12H young people sponsor 'flop hop'; church schedule.

Page 5: Y's way; cartoon; mothers are feted at tea; Y clubs hold joint social; transfers; 218 leave Amache within one week.

Page 6: Sports.

Page 7: Lil' Neebo.

Pages 8-13: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #65: May 15, 1943

Page 1: Assembly passes requisition bill; majority vote passes amendment; NYA training centers open; silk screen poster shop to be set up; calendar; officer from Camp Savage is here.

Page 2: Editorial; Short Takes; fishing licenses available now; 'country style' social planned; Lost & Found.

Page 3: 59 attend Denver U.; 'no reprisals' says First Lady; Nisei soldiers make records; $120 per month for farm work?; visiting soldiers.

A sign (no pun intended) that people can really change their opinion.

Need we say it? California again.

Page 4: Invaluable element in our population; writer features Nisei soldiers; two workers are lauded by 'Chieftan'; 20,000 Japanese to relocate; Laramie business houses are criticized; relocation centers: recommend abolishment.

Page 5: Thumbnail Sketches; church schedule and activities; Minidoka leads is leaves issued; organize group to help Nisei; five Scout troops show craft work.

Page 6: Cartoon; hospital hour schedule is announced; farm suffers loss of potatoes; job opportunities; mess workers are urgently sought.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Six leave for Chicago hostel; release fire rules; education news; scrip books; present program; new business classes to open; help wanted.

Page 9: Lil' Neebo cartoon.

Pages 10-13: In Japanese.

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