Granada Pioneer V.1 #96-100

Vol. 1 #96: Sept. 1, 1943

Page 1: Segregation dates moved; new order restricts male Kibei leaves; alien hearing board appointed; Amache fair to display variety of vegetables.

Page 2: Rustlings; letters to the editor; vital statistics; visiting soldiers; tofu factory near completion.

Page 3: 35 from Amache sail on Gripsholm today; whooping cough shots stopped; Kobayashi earns more firsts; hearing board cont.; INS photographer; prizes to be given for vegetables and flowers; Knodel leaves for Washington.

Page 4: Seek camera equipment; Thumbnail sketches; relocation projects in East deemed encouraging; movies.

Pages 5, 6: Sports; job opportunities.

Page 7: 700 students expected to be enrolled in high school; accidents; wanted; new students are to enroll Friday; wedding; Y's way; Christian youth select Semeshima; ondo practices are held; Adventists will use rec hall; YBA cabinet; church services.

Page 8: Complete plans to welcome Tuleans; music hour slated; 80 scouts return from ten-day trip to Mancos; relocation.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Page 13: Lil' Neebo September calendar.

Vol. 1 #97: Sept. 4, 1943

Page 1: Registration urged; residents to be 'frozen' tomorrow; close competition expected at fair; more room needed for Tuleans; clearance change made for kibei.

Page 2: Editorial; letters to the editor; apparatus aids coal loading; Suzuki on visit; Amache sends farm produce to Topaz; relocation; vital statistics; visiting soldiers.

Page 3: Shelby's swimming team cops champtionship title; Chicago Suns pats Eberharters back; This World carries artists painting; fair cont.; only features differ; editorial lauds WAC's decision.

Page 4: Co-op interest rate set; changes made in the appointed personnel; hospital social is postponed; promotions are granted to 297 Shelby men; movies; elementary school will open Tuesday; sumo tournament.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Job opportunities; Thumbnail Sketches; wanted; co-op financial statement.

Page 7: Monday set for faculty meeting; 11th and 12th graders to report for tests; new teachers added to faculty for coming term; nursery school program changed; school board holds meeting; calendar for new term is released; Johnson at Denver.

Page 8: Two weddings; social scheduled by two GR clubs; Hudson to speak on resettlement; farewell concert; farewell dance; magazines donated to YWCA library; church services; church news.

Page 9: Lil' Neebo.

Pages 10-13: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #98: Sept. 8, 1943

Page 1: Farm needs workers; Amache agricultural fair opens Saturday; forum lectures planned; survey shows discrepencies; reception plans about completed; WRA finance head makes check here; 13 from Amache do not sail on Gripsholm; dance date set.

Page 2: Between Us Girls; editorial; relocation; not one subversive relocator; visiting soldiers.

Page 3: Movies; potatoes sent to Idaho; 452 alien travel permits issued; relocated Nisei appeal in 'News'; wanted; found; Japs reason for Carr's defeat?; 200 visit center over labor holiday.

Page 4: Nisei soldiers; church services; church news; two added to faculty; rooms remodeled; popular teacher goes to Illinois; Rustlings from other centers; faculty meets; coach is needed.

Page 5: Thumbnail sketches; job opportunities; farming good in Midwest; jobs are plentiful in Philadelphia; Tomlinson will escort Tuleans.

Page 6: Block 11E fire damage is slight; 44 hour week established; co-op financial statement; recreation loses two; vital statistics.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #99: Sept. 11, 1943

Page 1: Agricultural fair opens today; residents aid in harvest; seasonal leaves issuance halted; third war-bond drive underway; food canning starts Tuesday; take precautionary steps.

Page 2: Editorial; volunteers help shortage; personnel heads to visit center; parents welcome teachers to Amache; relocation; seek cooperation in housing crisis; leaves issued in August total 427.

Page 3: Movies; hospital social set; Dumas to lecture; Rocky Mt. News pictures 3 Nisei; Denver conference attended by Terry; vital statistics; visiting soldiers; potatoes sent to Heart Mt.; agricultural fair cont.; Okubo's article commented upon.

Page 4: Assembly to be held Monday; To The Boss; officials' children attend school here; 2 leave for Army; resign from rec. association; Matsunasa taken to Lamar court; new teachers added to staff; job opportunities.

Page 5: Thumbnail Sketches; high school lists courses; wanted; Bender treated for elbow contusion; board of review dates are set; Tule-bound scouts; Harbinson compliments scouts.

Page 6: Sports.

Page 7: Lil' Neebo cartoon.

Page 8: Women aid housecleaning; Y's way; YBA to hold meeting; dedication service slated; welcome given; church news; church schedule.

Pages 9-13: In Japanese.

Vol. 1 #100: Sept. 15, 1943

Page 1: 125 to leave; Tuleans arrive today; fair draws 700 outside guests; two girls pass WAC physical; bond drive $5,741 netted; judicial group appointed here; Lindley welcomes newcomers; 500 volunteer for farm work.

Page 2: Editorial; Short Takes; Shirrell condemns job-quitting; rooms set for first Tule group; hostel helps relocate 115 evacuees; wanted.

Page 3: Resettlement advisor here; open forum: shall I relocate?; Red Cross sends 12, 207 messages; DeWitt replace by Gen. Emmons; movies; editorial favors segregation plan; job opportunities.

Page 4: Fair Committee lauded; johnnie presents; fair winners listed; WAC enlistees cont.; relocation.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Gasoline quota to be reduced; Thumbnail Sketches; enrollment in school drops; mothers aid bond drive; tea party held for members of faculty; Mrs. Yamasaki to teach in Michigan.

Page 7: Y's way; Boy Scouts agreement made; church schedule; church news; GR club disbands.

Pages 8-12: In Japanese.

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