Granada Pioneer Vol.2 #56-60

Vol. 2 #56: May 17, 1944

Page 1: Two centers needed for post-war rehabilitation; another boost for 'one puka puka' outfit; adult education to sponsor dental technician course; Lindley, Johnson to present diplomas to 158 Amache seniors.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; editorial.

Page 3: 'Bussei ball' bid called 'neatest investment'; Rockford office moved to Chicago; Pioneer needs four workers; movies; Friday nite hop at 10H; two centers cont; dental course cont; WMC classifies farm services as essential.

Page 4: Gamma Riios set farewell party; 200 attend future homemakers confab; lists 'Rochester specials' for prospective resettlers; jobs open to older evacuees; school libraries to close nightly; vital statistics; church services; monetary donations.

Page 5: Nisei Potpourri; majority of soldiers free of rancor; gayety promised at 'Isle of May' dance; Carol Wells chosen speaker; baccalaureate services held for graduates.

Page 6: Promotion day program slated at auditorium; Satomis first arrivals at Brooklyn's new hostel; pupils to take excursion trip; reports grumblings among 'doctor's row'; installation set for Friday night; relocation.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Editorial cont; first Quaker city Nisei to enlist in WACs; sports.

Nisei women accused of treason.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #57: May 20, 1944

Page 1: Center milk supply to be increased; 13 Jeromites arrive here; urges evacuee storage of personal property; Myer lauds evacuee seasonal workers, conduct; local segregees depart for Tule Lake Thursday night; acting medical chief.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; American doughboys deplore discrimination; survey reveals evacuees not affected by cutbacks.

Page 3: Farm issues urgent appeal for 100 workers; 'Bussei Ball' at high school auditorium; movies; no block talent show tonight; 650 copies of 'Onlooker' to be issued; Spanish counsel to visit Tule Lake center; Johnson presents 158 seniors with diplomas; sell shaved ice at games.

Page 4: GR club heads meeting slated; new school co-op advisor selected; Chicago Tribune features Nisei college students; relocation; Johnson teaches 9th grade; church services.

Page 5: Nisei Potpourri; Walther leaves to direct DU summer workshop plan; Lil' Neebo pleads for aid; all Nisei returned to West Coast passed by Emmons.

Page 6: Bills for raising veteran's pension await FDR's okay; Satow delivers speech on evacuees; Army call dates set; railroad workers call for pay; 'Isle of May' hop tomorrow; wiener bake scheduled; evacuee goods cont; paper publizes Henry Aihara, Nisei track star; teachers leave on vacation; aid needed for 8H landscaping.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Additional Nisei induction information released; Council Notes; visiting soldiers; council votes for whole-hearted support on recent WRA ruling; job opportunities.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #58: May 24, 1944

Page 1: 1883 muzzle-loading rifle discovered; Tule Lake bounds reach California safely Sunday; production goal impossible without more help; farm project declared emergency operation; Runcorn to accept position in Tule; $450 damages inflicted at 7E mess fire; Cherry wins war bond.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; letters to the editor.

Page 3: Seven more answer call for Army physical exam; movies; workers needed at hospital; Tinsman tenders her resignation; employment blanks for merchant marine here; to dine at workers' mess; 'Barefoot Boy' to be shown; sports; farm problem cont; local girl tops freshman class.

Page 4: Yellow Cab offers jobs for mechanically-minded; Short Takes; Johnson studies possibilities; wedding; 125 sent to Tule from Heart Mountain; church services; vital statistics.

Page 5: Nisei Potpourri; Thomas warns against racial discrimination; ministers pass Nisei resolution; American Yank attacks narrow-minded people.

Page 6: 'Over-40' lists jobs for Nisei in Chicago; 200 pounds of ice to each mess; Clark resumes mess assistance; newly-organized committee ready to receive evacuees; job opportunities; Eagle awards to be presented; wanted.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Letters to the Editor cont.; sports cont.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #59: May 27, 1944

Page 1: Center faces drastic water crisis; types of workers' leaves clarified; halts cash grants to await cashier's bond approval; housing in need of 45 apartments soon; efforts made to speed return of contraband; WRA property must be certified when returned; Fanslan leaves tomorrow for Jerome center.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; letters to the editor.

Page 3: Council election set for June 12; evening barber service halted; Tsuchiya joins women's Army corps; talent parade at 9E tonight; 8F YPC to hold social in honor of block grads; movies; 11 GR clubs to sponsor benefit dance; jr. high expects 350 students.

The women on trial.

Page 4: No more evacuees to relocate in Colorado; two more added to police staff; Symes names 14 lawyers for Nisei draft objectors; Hatanaka elected prexy at training period camp; wedding; Bodine to arrive here tomorrow; church services; Shuck leaves education staff.

Page 5: Leaves clarified cont; Scout Court of Honor Tuesday; to attend six-day confab; water crisis cont; merry-go-round farm tour.

Page 6: Shinagawa to recruit Nisei WACs in Denver; magazine carries school activity; Deltans, Hinodes, Sakuras picked to cop top honors; The Farm Front.

Page 7: Sports.

Page 8: Relocation; letters to the editor; sports cont.

Pages 9-12: In Japanese.

Vol. 2 #60: May 31, 1944

Page 1: WRA has no plans to maintain relocation centers during post-war period; 25 leave for physical exam; WRA approves payment of cash for special overtime; Myer favors return of evacuees to West Coast; remove stored household goods; domestic service rates released by Johnson; 16 enlisted reserves report to Shelby for active duty.

Page 2: Just Incidentally; editorial.

Prejudice in Colorado.

Page 3: Pioneer calls for more help; block managers ease water crisis; 11 GR clubs invite public to attend benefit dance; movies; men needed for irrigation crew; two arrested for postal violation; FSA calls in equipment; central coal contract expires; 41 summer grads leave Wyoming.

Tule Lake trouble.

Page 4: Silk screen shop's one year progress; Y's way; construction workers needed; church services; new teachers; wedding; on Denver trip.

Page 5: Nisei Potpourri; tofu factory needs help; summer school session registration date set; returns from 10-center tour; musical-minded urged to sign up; carload of household goods to arrive within two weeks.

Page 6: 2507 Japanese Americans now resettled in Colorado; Tule Lake radio trial case opens; job opportunities; Michigan refuses to pay hospital costs of evacuees; 40 hemp mill workers wanted; relocation.

Pages 7, 8: Sports.

Page 9: Three teachers needed urgently; coat and tie illegalized; faculty members on annual leave; service rates cont; household goods cont; pre-inductees cont.

Tule Lake violence.

The sisters on trial.

Pages 10-14: In Japanese.

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