Granada Pioneer Vol. 3 #61-65

Vol. 3 #61:June 2, 1945

Page 1: Eviction of tenant need OPA consent; closing of center blocks given stay; 13 selectees report for Army physical; early ruling on alien land law sought; graduation to feature pageant by students; leave requests slash record.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; to speed up return of wounded GI's in Europe; letter to the editor.

Page 3: Graduates cont; scholarship fund to gain; special coach leaves June 7; ruling sought cont; sports; on optometry appointment; baccalaureate services set; shoe stamps.

Page 3: Pamphlet records Nisei fighting in the Pacific; movies; relocation; visiting soldiers; church briefs; to hold Holy Communion; church services.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #62 :June 6, 1945

Page 1: Wins Silver Star, commission; services to honor Amache war heroes; son of former resident dead; George Doi receives field promotion; less than one third go west; 2 report for basic training.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; editorial; establishes business in Chicago.

Page 3: Movies; vanities to feature center's top talents; wins verdict to repossess property; needs firemen immediately; all vehicles to be checked; wins Silver Star cont.

Fined for arson.

Page 4: Student council representative; relocation; tax emempt up to $1000; church schedule.

Another sentenced.

Page 5: Elementary school notes; sports; final assembly at high school, awards made; WRA officials are censured; an open letter.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #63 :June 9, 1945

Page 1: To present Bronze Star medal; nine Amache selectees report for induction; relocation on fast pace; closing of 6E mess set; set special coach for LA; call for grants before 3:30 P.M.

Coast ban cannot be enforced.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; editorial; refuses to review decision on Nisei draft violation charge; visiting soldiers.

Page 3: Movies;Iwata awarded freshman scholarship; unable to come for services; sponsor social at 10H; to change 4-c classification; cannot enforce cont; to entertain Nisei soldiers.

Page 4: Special YBA service to honor Bussei grads; church briefs; relocation; merge WRA areas to give better service; to distribute school annual; phonograph; church services.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #64 :June 13, 1945

Page 1: Centers provide aid to needy; council election for new term; 35 sign up for Pullman; discontinue ERC for Nisei; center health services to be curtailed; Coloradan wins Silver Star for gallantry; acting project attorney is assigned here.

Page 2: Letter to the editor; Nisei Potpourri.

Page 3: Boxes arrive, expects lumber; health services cont; hail vanities as big hit; upholds ban but not Army enforcement; Dr. Ichihashi gives hints to parolees; on assistance cont.

Page 4: Non-resident evacueees may obtain farm work; co-op news; movies; save boxes, crates; Dr. Ichihashi cont; church services; church briefs.

Page 5: Relocation; Ickens censures judge for lenient sentence; justice is unperturbed over charge; U.S. casualties over one million; vital statistics.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Vol. 3 #65 :June 16, 1945

Page 1: Decorated at Novi ceremony; lauds united front of law officers; Glick to aid WRA director; German POW's working on nearby farms; new assistant steward here; vanities net $104.81 for scholarship fund; center census taking is set.

Page 2: Nisei Potpourri; letter to the editor.

Page 3: No advance sick leaves; Myer to inspect WRA set-up; transfer to CA section; special coach to leave with Pullman car; set general co-op meeting; 5 ringleaders to be tried; disabled GI's deplore Nisei discrimination; discontinue weekly meet; charges spies returning; on routine inspection trip; DU degree given Nisei.

Page 4: Hostel to be opened in Kansas City; church offers scholarship; movies; church briefs; church schedule.

Page 5: The Road Back; relocation; Nisei GI's to teach Japanese war tactics; given one year in draft case; shoe repair.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

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