Heart Mountain, Wyoming Sentinel Supplement, Issues 331-363

A lot of these are missing, including issues 331 through 336.

Issue 337: August 25, 1945

Page 1: FPHA units available; new mark set for relocation planning; Nisei troops to lead V-J day parade.

Page 2. Servicemen-two veterans visit.

Page 3: No residue after Nov. 15-Myer; aliens get travel assistance.

Page 4: Announcement, sports, weddings; ads.

Pages 5,6: In Japanese.

Issues 338 and 339 are missing.

Issue 340: Sept. 1, 1945

Page 1: Plan survey analysis; evacuee property shipment explained.

Page 2: Local items-store opened in block 20; vital statistics.

Page 3: Nisei GIs to aid army of occupation; relocation officer to visit here.

Page 4: Sports; thank yous and farewells.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Issues 341 and 342 are missing.

Issue 343: Sept. 8, 1945

Page 1: All coast bans lifted; waterfront restriction revoked; 40-hour work week established here.

Page 2: Two Japanese killed in train crash; news of former center resident.

Page 3: Service cross awarded posthumously; two overseas veterans visiting here.

Page 4: Sports; movie schedule; vital statistics.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Issue 344 is missing.

Issue 345: Sept. 14, 1945

Page 1: New policy announced for assignment of FPHA units; departure of special train number 11 set for tonight; residents will be advised of their departure plans.

Page 2: Seven Heart Mountaineers get distinguished unit badges; two-day notice required for 24-hour passes; three bodies transferred to Powell cemetery. (Wanteds, farewells, and in-appreciations tend to fill in what would have been empty spaces on pages in all of these issues.)

Page 3: FPHA units available to all evacuees under new agreement; Pacific veteran visits wife, mother here; vital statistics.

Page 4: Radio program to feature Nisei war hero; European war veteran visiting in Heart Mountain; local couple married; general information.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Issue 346 is missing.

Issue 347: Sept. 21, 1945

Page 1: Applications being accepted here for FHPA units in Washington; special train number 12 leaves tonight; Pacific veteran recent visitor in Heart Mountain; one death.

Note that the government is describing these as 'terrorist' attacks, over sixty years before that term began to be used so often.

Page 2: General information; vital statistics.

Page 3: In Japanese.

Issue 348 is missing.

Issue 349: Sept. 28, 1945

Page 1: First scheduled movement planned; standard time goes into effect; special train service improved; reclaims should be made for pensions; housing committee organized to assist evacuees; general information.

Page 2: Section laborers needed by Great Northern; WRA offices continues operations despite strike; general information; vital statistics.

Page 3: In Japanese.

Issues 350 and 351 are missing.

Issue 352: Oct. 5, 1945

Page 1: L.A. housing to be available; train no. 15 to accommodate 700; only 844 left at Amache; no cash clothing allowances.

Page 2: Bus schedules; Washington to keep student records; special job offer; sports.

Page 3: In Japanese.

Issues 353 and 354 are missing.

Issue 355: Oct. 12, 1945

Page 1: Last train Nov. 9th; train no. 15 leaves Monday; Los Angeles rentals from $15 to $20 a month; movie schedule.

Page 2: Amache population drops sharply; general information; vital statistics.

Page 3: In Japanese.

Issue 356: Oct. 12, 1945

Page 1: Departure schedule revised; train no. 15 leaves tonight; WFA payments to be processed; hospital workers needed; general information.

Page 2: Community Activities financial statement; Granada center now closed.

Issue 357: Oct. 17, 1945

Train no. 16 delayed. 1/2 of the page is in Japanese.

Issue 358: Oct. 19, 1945

Page 1: Special train no. 16 delayed until next week; Tule Lake to close February 1.

Many restrictions lifted.

Page 2: Above article continues; general information; vital statistics.

Page 3: In Japanese.

Issue 358-A: Oct. 23, 1945

This is about special train number 16. Half the page is in Japanese.

Issue 359: Oct. 23, 1945

Page 1: Relocation grants made Thursday; all plans will be completed Oct. 31; new hostels open in New York; Community Activities makes refund; LA board to issue permits.

Page 2: The same as Issue 358-A.

Number 360 is missing.

Issue 361: Oct. 26, 1945

Page 1: Nov. 6 and Nov. 9th trains combined; Hawaiians cleared for return; Minidoka closes early; general information.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Number 362 is missing.

Issue 363: Nov. 2, 1945

Page 1: This is the final bulletin. Special instructions for next week; departure schedule; project director extends wishes; Yakima resident dies; Topaz center closed Oct. 31.

Page 2: In Japanese.

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