
Clip 1

This is a video without spoken narration. There is a song in the background, and some of the signboards are in English and some in another language. However, in cases like this, pictures speak loudly enough for themselves. I have left out some of the “harsher” pictures.

Clip from a BBB documentary

This is also without narration but with a musical background. A lot of the destruction of the buildings I couldn't capture screen images of since it was all done so fast.

Clip from a Japanese movie on Hiroshima.

Again, there is no actual narration. Apparently these people are all going about their normal lives when the bomb is dropped, except for one soldier on a train. The train is hit by the shock wave from the bomb and he is injured, but apparently he makes it back to the city. I think what he has found is where is home is supposed to be, but there is nothing left there.

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