Denson Tribune Volume 1 #81-88

Volume 1 #81: Dec. 7, 1943

Page 1: Shopping for Xmas regulated; relocation committees; relocation is aim of WRA policy; aides wanted; be moderate; finance meet; definite decision urged.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Relocation cont.; Xmas shopping cont.; repatriation cont.; resettlement.

Page 4: Pvt. Awakuni defies death; deal offered; DBC officers; shoe stamp to be issued,

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Churches; movies; visiting servicemen; Camp Savage needs recruits; calendar; vital statistics.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 1 #82: Dec. 10, 1943

Page 1: A memorandum; co-op declares dividends; council adopts manual on judiciary commission; three more are inducted; Camp Shelby invites USO; serve your flag, country; Roosevelt bans racism in hiring workers.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; facilities for resettlers; visiting servicemen; Girl Reserves.

Page 4: Flag and country cont.; Nisei in Khaki.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Council approves manual cont.; USO hostesses cont; more inducted cont.; Xmas shopping; Church Sunday services; dividends cont.; movies.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 1 #83: Dec. 14, 1943

Page 1: RPC head elected; full measure of devotion; Denson SPA officers are chosen; hospital asks cooperation; high school enrollment; relocation body meets; empty bottles; calendar of events.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; I believe in the USO; resettlement.

Page 4: Gen. McNair visits Shelby; Jerome volunteers for Camp Savage are wanted; USO meeting; vital statistics; holds party; movies.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: RPC head cont.; exchange under negotiation; Church Sunday services; visiting servicemen; notice.

Pages 7, 8. In Japanese.

Volume 1 #84: Dec. 17, 1943

Page 1: Compliance with draft laws urged; abide by travel regulation; buy Xmas seals and defy T.B.; tomorrow set as day of cleanup; wood cutting; co-op to fete; judicial body; Otani named; trip canceled.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; travel regulation cont.; resettlement; job offers; farm workers.

Page 4: Questionnaire presented; Nisei in Khaki; draft laws cont.; study music; visiting servicemen; G.I.s honored.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Clean up day cont.; octet to sing spirituals; Kuichi, Ozu to speak; snow; movies.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 1 #85: Dec. 21, 1943

Page 1: Project is lauded by engineer; Nisei girls join WACs; Camp Savage needs men; programs; high plane of health maintained; cooperation is praised; Christmas guests.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; resettlement; 23-year old woman sought; Nisei's love for U.S. told; movies.

Page 4: 12-15 students may enroll; Nisei in Khaki; hog raising; added, altered; joins Army.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Church Sunday services; Nisei girls join WACs cont.; co-op fetes; needs men cont.; lauds center cont.; wood cutting cont.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 1 #86: Dec. 24, 1943

Page 1: Season's greetings; a memorandum; inter-block parties banned; hospital is equipped, adequate medication; Xmas gifts; spirit counts; establishment of goodwill.

Page 2: Sincere wishes for Christmas, New Year; center is bathing in fragrance of bouquets; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Special instructions; editorial.

Page 4: 442nd infantry regiment has everyday Santa Claus; Nisei in Khaki.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Instructions given aides; 11 members of judicial commission are approved; hospital cont.; Xmas gifts cont.; schools rest.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 1 #87: Dec. 28, 1943

Page 1: Response to recruiting commended; a resolution; cheerless but spirit is present; editorial; okays plans; honor roll.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; active clubs; 75 relocatees are honored; visiting servicemen; vital statistics.

Page 4: Team album; leading press agencies extol achievements of 'the 100th' in Italy; club formed; head sports.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Thanks wood committee; re-elected; editorial cont.; Jiho's present.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

Volume 1 #88: Dec. 31, 1943

Page 1: Soldiers in olive drab visit here; Roosevelt's Xmas message; residents help check influenza; seamen receive passports.

Page 2: Editorial; They Say; cartoon.

Page 3: Avenues leading to relocation; co-op calling; holds party; RPC agenda; vital statistics; present gifts.

Page 4: Visiting servicemen cont.; appreciates public help cont.; marriage.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Roosevelt's message cont.; Christmas choruses; receive passports cont.; notice.

Pages 7, 8: In Japanese.

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