WW2 Japanese Kamikazes, three clips

Clip 1

A Japanese bomber attacks the USS Essex.

The bomber dives directly into the ship. This is the Special Attack Corps, which was another name for the kamikaze group.

The planes would try to dive directly into the ships.

The clip talks about students being called up and trained to use planes, boats and other approaches to attack the US forces. In this case the plane has been shot down before it can hit the boat. The majority of kamikaze pilots died before hitting their target, shot down by the guns of the ships or shot down by US fighter planes.

The clip then talks about a “special suicide manual” to help the kamikazes. “Upon sighting the target, aim for a point at the center of the ship. As you dive, shout at the top of your lungs...kill without fail. Just before the collision it is essential you do not shut your eyes.”

“You will feel that you are suddenly floating in the air. At that moment you will see your mother's face.”

“Then, you are no more.”

When the crew of a US ship attempts to capture a downed pilot he pulls out a grenade and blows himself up.

This is similar to what the religious extremists are doing in today's world in their suicide attacks. That kind of fanaticism is virtually impossible to stop; if someone is determined to die for their country, they will do so.

The main difference is that the kamikazes were attacking military targets (boats and planes.) The people doing this type of thing in today's world are attacking primarily innocent civilians. In some ways the kamikazes could be seen as a noble form of sacrifice; what is going on in today's world is just thuggish brutalism with nothing noble about it at all.

Clip 2

The “Great Marianas Turkey Shoot”, resulting in the loss of 400 Japanese aircraft.

The plane tries to dive into the ship but misses.

“The kamikaze gives his life for the Emperor.”

A suicide plane scores a hit.

Clip 3

1944, the Philippine Islands, and a kamikaze plane.

This one misses, but another made a hit and sunk an escort carrier.

An attack with the baka bombs. The plane is probably a Betty. It said the weight of the rocks made the mother bombers slow and lower their ability to maneuver.

The clip says US fighters shot down all the Bettys and the baka bombs they carried.

Attacks happened both during the day and the night.

The kamikaze pilots followed the code of bushido.

“They were also the victims of a self-destructive ideology.” The film says the kamikazes could not prevent the inevitable, and some people blame them for prolonging a war that was really already lost.

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