Tulean Dispatch Volume 4 #26-30

Volume 4 #26: Dec. 11, 1942

Page 1: Ralph Kuettel, radio pianist, in benefit concert; twenty boilers need repairs; two thousand toys given colony by churches; city director nears completion; 'That Certain Age' to be shown here; abuses noted on hospital service.

Page 2: $3500 worth of yarns sold here in one day; editorial; lost & found; student farm work checks coming soon; church services.

Page 3: Footprints column; special delivery, white Christmas themes for Saturday night dances; fencing classes organized in city; higher education changes office; lost & found; choir rehearsal date correction; music concert program.

Page 4: Noteworthy; sports.

Volume 4 #27: Dec. 14, 1942

Page 1: Fenced areas closed to city; draft registrations for 18 year olds now; contrabands of Pinedaleites here; wardens ask all dogs to be licensed this week; leave clearance applications to begin Thursday.

Page 2: Victory tax bared; cartoon.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #28: Dec. 15, 1942

Page 1: Hugh New Year jamboree planned; administration to center in capital; orchestras to be cleared at #2508; caution against bath room theft; 'develop faith, loyalty'-Bennet.

Follow up on the Manzanar trouble.

Page 2: Okada from Tule is happy he went; Victory Tax from page 1; editorial.

Page 3: Leaves for private employments; leave application; JR. Red Cross craft exhibit; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #29: Dec. 16, 1942

Page 1: Christmas trees to be sold here; tickets for Christmas choir concert now available; draft registration moved to ad building; Falls resident attention called; school sponsors concert tomorrow; nursery school parties this week; registration for jamboree stands.

Page 2: Health: colds; advantages of using co-op script revealed; rumor clinic; upcoming events.

Page 3: Sales tax must be paid by co-op; need signature on scrip to keep purchase record; family life class registration soon; please return.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #30: Dec. 17, 1942

Page 1: Asilomar confab planned for city; college grad wanted; position on FPC open; play tickets on sale to public; Tri-state High concert tonight; progress report respond good; club activities start at school; confidence vote extended co-op.

Page 2: What are they saying?; Our Town; review of music concert; clothe checks for canteen employers.

Page 3: City YBA officers in installation; parental satisfaction in school system; 28 clubs in survey result; Noteworthy bulletins; Nisei air corps sergeant visits here.

Page 4: Sports.

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