Tulean Dispatch Volume 4 #46-50

Volume 4 #46: Jan. 13, 1943

Page 1: 100 cars of coal still to be unloaded; coal crisis; Little Theater bill 3 one-act plays; co-op scrip books on sale; two leave for school.

Page 2: Favorable reports start coming in from outside; our own 'gem' spuds enough until June; 450 kiddies in nurseries.

Page 3: 200 families receive public aid cash grants in December; Merry Go Round; director swears in 125 wardens; co-op plans to form circulating library; Noteworthy; the post office; vital statistics; travel bureau may buy tickets; more Xmas gifts to gladden tots.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #47: Jan. 14, 1943

Page 1: 450 volunteer for coal work; city council adopts plans to remedy youth problems; inquiries received from Red Cross; jobs, jobs; two leave on scholarship; writers donate to the Dispatch.

Page 2: 'Government by assassination' book review; letter from our friend.

Page 3: Council to pass regulations on private enterprises, conduct, etc.; Post Office; no clothing issue; no horse meat; boys', girls' activities now established on ward basis; Noteworthy; offers to buy two 1 1/2 ton trucks; card of thanks.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #48: Jan. 15, 1943

Page 1: Coal problem solved by 450 volunteers; 30-day month time to be used; work efficiency rated for future references; outside jobs begin to appear; bobbie pins must be furnished; Coverly will be honored tonight; Long-Bell lumber jobs may be possible; Otsuya services.

Page 2: Editorial; The Other Side; Dispatch staff reorganized.

Page 3: Adult English classes to open; Merry Go Round; more evacuees depart camp for schools and jobs; colonists may get state library books; Noteworthy.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #49: Jan. 16, 1943

Page 1: Lunches for 730 students will be served at schools; Dr. Hannaford to speak Sunday; comic books dominate enlarged news stand; final truck delivery due.

Page 2: History of Tule Lake; church services.

Page 3: Positive T.B. case does not mean active case; Noteworthy; home nursing class taught at school; Sears refund checks in; $300 sale; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #50: Jan. 19, 1943

Page 1: Dr. Hannaford relates experiences in Japan; special ward I election today; adult classes change halls; only initial supply of brooms issued; block 13 group donates $5 to fund; health workers check food stuffs; young married group to have tea.

Page 2: We, the People; warns against kindling piles; mercury slides down to sub-zero.

Page 3: Library notes; 'pigeon holes' in block offices; relocation officer here; families may join internees; Tulean finds 'nice family' in East; block 26 has family affair; nursery school teachers learn the fundamentals; post office; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

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