Tulean Dispatch Volume 5 #16-20

Volume 5 #16: April 8, 1943

Page 1: O.P.A. stops shoe requests in colony; civil rights group to meet; bus to leave weekly for Reno; greetings; dance class is opened; notary public here Friday; Rundquist to speak on relocation; indication is Supreme Court will try Nisei; machine age hits Dispatch.

Page 2: School teaching staff quality high; agricultural technical staff promotes sound farm program; corsages will be sold at floral arts; thank you.

Page 3: Oberlin Nisei is student president; Feminiscing; entry deadline for talent show; artist wanted; commercial classes open.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #17: April 9, 1943

Page 1: Planting of 10,000 trees to start; April 17 is declared project clean-up day; colony gets 16 per person ration points; baggage inspection for leaving project; block blood donors sked; YPCC pictures for leavers; public school week in colony; Utah sugar co. seeks workers; etiquette is topic of class.

Page 2: WSSF bulletin publishes letter of former Tulean; Tri-Staters form Little Theater; needles, bobbins on sale at canteen; Dispatch mag; co-op jobs; waitresses wanted; 724 attend YPCC; shoes arrive for sale at canteen; floral orders through co-op; photo payments to be with scrip.

Page 3: Relocation hits teaching staff; ham and eggs $1.50 reads menu; Mrs. Hayes lauds base hospital; more colonists leave project; Poet Sandburg offers position; jobs; Noteworthy.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #18: April 10, 1943

Page 1: Base hospital adopts new clinic sked; Spring Karnival set for today; colony Army volunteers; lecture on Monday; Why college?; finals for ping pong; blood donors; deadline for relay entries; notary public; YPCC photos; budgeting $16 topic for YAF.

Page 2: Sports; church services.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #19: April 12, 1943

Page 1: Myer to visit; 27 released from CCC camp; eligible persons for relocation grants; blood donors; WRA will aid in finding housing for evacuees; hi school open house plans progressing; 17-year-olds to register; 68 leave for farm work; deadline for bridge entries; notary public.

Page 2: Three delegates return from conference in Idaho; Our Town; C.A. donations; nursery egg hunt; U.C. club to hold Spring formal; card of thanks.

Page 3: Relay contest deadline extended; Noteworthy; war housing in middlewest; enlargements of YPCC pictures; churches lead in Red Cross drive; first of 'hidden talent' shows slated; two thank you's.

Page 4: The Other Side; jobs; YBA board of directors head elected; woodcraft exhibit; thank you.

Volume 5 #20: April 13, 1943

Page 1: Evacuees on leave may obtain financial aid; block 18 serves as model; on furlough; project Red Cross goal topped by over $500; Rev. Goldwater visits project; Sen. Chandler proposes evacuee farm labor; artists, here's your opportunity!

Page 2: Bus to Reno sets baggage limit at sixty pounds; Tulearn Intermezzo; Chandler cont.; art work cont.; jobs; two thank you's.

Page 3: Nojima stars in canteen show; post office; Intermezzo cont.; marriage vow; jobs; U.C. donation; thank you.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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