Tulean Dispatch Volume 5 #96-100

Volume 5 #96: July 12, 1943

Page 1: Segregation to start in September; CIO to contact former Nisei member; Japan sends exchange list; notary; on furlough; civil exams are given.

Page 2: Star Dusting; truck driver wins fight against discimination; that was bad publicity; cartoon.

Page 3: Sakoda gives report on trip to confab, centers; jobs; Departees; Opler talks to students; help wanted.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #97: July 13, 1943

Page 1: New training program set; appointed personnel cannot be removed via petitions; enrollment open for new nursery quarter; to ask for revision; Red Cross officials visit; purchase through co-op; released from camp; 'men vs. women' forum tonight; victory hop bid deadline.

Page 2: Our Town; advisory committee gives advice to those relocating; cartoon.

Page 3: Men released from internment; vital statistics; conditions in Midwestern states for relcoating; last rites; radio wanted; calendar of events; orders taken for YBA pictures; at placement.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5,6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #98: July 14, 1943

Page 1: New hours at fish market; graduation held at Savage; on furlough; to discuss co-op farming; no damage at Sat. fire; resigns post; attention seniors! observe these rules; teach judo in Maryland; property form.

Page 2: Tulean Intermezzo; goal of hog farm is to raise 2500 hogs a year; Gila center ships melons to Navy; don't expect mistreatment.

Page 3: Social Whirl; acts against deportation; River residents meet with Opler; top prices for cars; job openings; sumo tourney planned.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 5 #99: July 15, 1943

Page 1: Hospitality committee is organized in New England; Myer talks tonight; more civil service exams to be given in project; four-week period mess hall judgings given; Manzanar has jr. college; Little theater opens July 19.

Page 2: Avoid starting new 'little Tokio's in relocating; jobs; cartoon.

Page 3: Post office; speeches made in Japanese as Navy's sailors graduate; Spanish counsel visits Denson; friends meet in U.S. Army; Departees.

Page4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #100: July 16, 1943

Page 1: Summer enrollment; graduation program tonight; on furlough; 1000 chicks arrive here; class is popular; Ariz. state law void; to observe obon here; Camp Savage graduates arrive at Camp Shelby.

Page 2: Sports.

Page 3: 'Hold back the Dawn' new movie; informal dance to be held weekly; speaks to relate conditions on outside at forum; ward leaders to hold derby race; 3 C.A. dept. heads chosen; recreation dept. reveals future community events; 'The Composers' to be theme of music hour.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Pages 5, 6: Class of 1943 listing plus A Great Challenge article.

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