Tulean Dispatch Volume 6 #6-10

Volume 6 #6: July 23, 1943

Page 1: Muste will visit here; Midwest farming work for families planned; Coverly resigns for new govt. job; many outside jobs for Issei at placement; classes for Hi students; man reported missing is arrested in Alturas; little theater.

Page 2: Sports; departees.

Page 3: Sports; popularity contest; motion picture, ward leader's office; recreation committee formed in each ward; many adult programs set for July.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #7: July 24, 1943

Page 1: Girl summer recreation program begins Monday; Director Coverley's farewell message; cosmetology; return all text books; questions on segregation discussed.

Page 2: Questions cont.; Social Whirl; church services.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #8: July 26, 1943

Page 1: Coverley given rank of captain; two special performances; dance held every Tuesday; new movie; Brownie Scouts meet; students register for summer school tomorrow; English class; notice to residents; school recreation program to begin; girls sked starts today.

Page 2: Persons relocating in Midwest write favorably; Our Town; huge potato bin started; new sewing class.

Page 3: Turkeys moved to new location; extension course at Manzanar; cartoon.

ACLU has their say.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 6 #9: July 27, 1943

Page 1: Slaughter house set; civil service exams wed.; many good jobs offered in city of Cleveland; on furlough; social psychology group to discuss problems; Nisei girls may enlist in WACs; block 25 wins city title; Bible school; student relocation.

Page 2: Star Dusting; Shell-hunting is popular among project residents; teach home nursing here.

Page 3: New fire phone system ready; named for exchange list; Japanese craft course offered; Departees; unclaimed mail; dancing class; schedule of events.

Page 4: Sports; jobs.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #10: July 28, 1943

Page 1: First aid course set; on furlough; classes at high school; 'big job to do' states new director; compensatory offer; to discuss co-op farming; co-op sends out records; Hayes to leave for Army.

Page 2: Sabin makes report on rural relocation outlook; jobs; ten released from Sante Fe; vital statistics; at placement.

Page 3: Social Whirl; co-op refund cont.; Kibei English.

Page 4:Sports.

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