Manazanar Free Press, Volume 2 #26-30

Volume 2 #26: Sept. 19, 1942

Page 1: Nash leaving for Washington post; calendar; grand openings held in kitchens; 300 off to Montana; fall school season starts with elementary classes; Eurasians eligible for release; products shown; August payments get underway; machines arrive; citizens urged to register; Manzanar farm nets thousands; notify change; Kimball leaves; Idaho furlough; plant physicists arrive from Santa Anita.

No Japanese musics.

Page 2: News in brief; dear editor; editorials; American good will; collect bottles; start 'karuta'; another thirty; religious services.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; latest fashions on parade; tailor classes; baby boy born; Brother Rats; Goldwater sermon Sunday; chief steward returns; 300 leave from page 1; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #27: Sept. 21, 1942

Page 1: Federal convenes Thursday; harvest workers leave Tuesday; pupils' correct names asked; property division established; new government group meets; around the administration; shoyu dispute truce declared; police department holds election; back allowances to be mailed workers; fire chief visits.

Page 2: Beauty spot; editorials; insulation crew among center's unsung heroes; an apple a day; open letter to the people of Manzanar.


Page 3: Canteen cowboy; hospital notes; canteen personnel; weddings; news in brief; Caucasian wife takes children.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #14: Sept. 22, 1942

Two pages in Japanese.

Volume 2 #15: Sept. 23, 1942

Two pages in Japanese, and two pages of an English translation of the Japanese pages.

Volume 2 #28: Sept. 24, 1942

Page 1: Beet fields call thousand workers; Higashi picked police chief; co-op delegates adopt by-laws; patient taken to L.A. hospital; volunteers; stork visits; collect parcels; new project director arrives; purposes revealed by Hawaiian club; bride-elect given surprise shower; new accountant; paid for Idaho; population; arrivals; Bank of America; visitors here.

Fight at a baseball game. Sounds like something from today's newspapers.

Page 2: Editorials; 'Y' doings; from other centers.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; better block with funds; new books received here; Around the Blocks; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #16: Sept. 25, 1942

Two pages in Japanese.

Volume 2 #29: Sept. 26, 1942

Page 1: Furlough underway; goods stored in federal reserve warehouses due soon; close canteen to cut expenses; constitution plans discussed at meet; Manzanar contributes; teachers discuss pressing problems; work corps in second session; stores arrive.

Murder/suicide. It's possible that these type of things, the murder/suicide and the attack at the baseball game, were early warning signs of trouble at the camp; on the other hand, they could be isolated incidents.

A listing of the camps.

Page 2: Editorials; platter chatter; P.A. open house; Sierra Sues club; after the deadline; religious services; party planned; UCLA tops list; teachers attend institute; Manzanar Metazoa; visitors due; furlough article from page 1.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy; Busseis hold instillation; Manzanar doings column; Idaho or bust; Morimoto registers; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #30: Sept. 28, 1942

Page 1: Evacuees to re-enter military zone; last groups to leave; nominate for workers group; block manager posts chosen; clothing given to students; furlough workers to receive wages; camouflage head appointed; okay private storage; beet workers note; furlough cripples teaching group; Cosmopolites hold installation dance.

Page 2: Editorials; junior college; passing judgment; from the nation's press; economic activity non-competitive. nominate, from page 1; unique trout's shangra-la being completed; introducing Harvey Coverly.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; residents bid Hawaiian aloha to beet workers; news in brief; vital statistics; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #17: Sept. 29, 1942

This one is 7 pages long, four pages in Japanese, and a 3-page English translation.

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