Manazanar Free Press, Volume 2 #31-35

Volume 2 #31: Oct. 1, 1942

Page 1: Beet recruiting nears finish; temporary shop finished by crew; Manzanar constitution in draft; get acquainted YWMA tea held; news nuggets; correct address; cotton workers in difficult beginning; furniture arrives; murder-suicide case finished; furlough staff lauded by principal; first student relocations; more beet workers; thank you says agent; Fresno destined for Jerome center; Bussei.

Page 2: Editorials; confirmation for two held; from other centers; clubs; around the blocks.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy; May campaign for election to work corps; oil for stoves; 'Y' doings; Christianity strong in Japan; vital statistics; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #32: Oct. 3, 1942

Page 1: The World Series; the honest man; Manzanar educational council votes opening elementary school; firemen set up working system; new block managers confer; national WRA director arrives; from the nation's press; of people; Roy French goes overseas; forty-seven births; furlough recruiting continues; training course; craft classes open; 980 leave to date; ceramics equipment due soon.

Page 2: Manzanar work corps; disa and data; editorials; religious services; introducing J. W. Gilkey.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy; hospital staff additions made; Catholic club meets tomorrow; news nuggets; battle return help sought; vital statistics; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #33: Oct. 5, 1942

Page 1: U.S. Army seeks nets; block managers hold meeting; chief co-op head from S.F. visits; beet furlough work cuts down manpower twenty-five percent; welcome Dillon Myer; school kiddies go back today; family arrives from Tanforan; beet workers leave; apron's made; to start accounting; baggage comes; women get clothes; harvest ends; housing problems tackled; greyhounds to chase rabbits.

Page 2: Editorials; papers 'thirsty'; just browsing; Manzanar work corps.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; calling all cars; dead editor; s.o.s. volunteers; around the blocks; vital statistics; 264 apartments insulated.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #34: Oct. 8, 1942

Page 1: National WRA director arrives; government body finishes charter; stage dedication slated Saturday; three held by military police; open forum; hospital notes; three experts survey guayule; future brides walk to rites; bank suspended; work corps to meet tomorrow; junior college course begins; high school starts; four leave camp; co-op records to be audited; best garden to be chosen.

Page 2: Manzanar work corps; residents note; dear editor; editorials; work corps information; open forum; come for clothes; Idaho expeditionary force; 'Y' advisor ill; classified ads.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; with the clubs; 'Y' doings; quick action of mess crew saves damage in kitchen fire; Manzabelles hold election; Boy Scouts meet; P-TA meet tomorrow; music classes.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #35: Oct. 10, 1942

Page 1: National director addresses block managers on WRA policies; knock; shoyu project ready; Dillon Myer watches as groups vote for acceptance of charter; more subjects for grown-ups; outdoor theater opens today; scroll for widow; Page to lecture; letters returned; students leave for colleges; equipment for ceramics here; temporary slowdown; fire prevention week; bank service; the little black schoolhouse.

Page 2: Editorials; beauty spot; Menuhin on music hour; after the deadline; papers go up; classified ads; golf tourney; Manzanar work corps; Saturday forum; medical care for Caucasian staff.

Page 3: Canteen cowboy; religious services; school opens with assembly; fireman save my child; successful leadership course held preceding 3 day 'Y' meet; wedding; replace steel beds with private ones; electrical division; economical buyers prefer co-ops to other concerns.

Page 4: Sports.

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