Manazanar Free Press, Volume 2 #36-40

Volume 2 #36: Oct. 12, 1942

Page 1: School principal killed in plane crash; fire marshals are appointed; part-time jobs open; work corps election slated tomorrow; equipment for moyashi here; block manager appointments made; matrons meet; insulate factory; commission meets; studies relocation; send for ballots; wedding; crippled children clinic to open; August pay nears end; postal inspection begins.

Page 2: Editorials; House appropriates funds for guayule; Manzanar work corps; around the blocks; dear editor; back issues.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; history and econ offered adults; 'Y' installs with candle service; employees urged to get work orders; news nuggets; businessmen form new organization; for men only; 'Y' council holds discussion by creek; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #37: Oct. 15, 1942

Page 1: New land tract cleared as additional farms planned; summer gives up; of people; judicial rules drawn up; change system on paper distribution; primary election results for work corps counted; three managerial positions unfilled; 'Y' head studies local conditions; instructions to students given; policewomen needed; student jobs open; religious forum; crippled children listed for clinic; book your socials.

Page 2: Editorials; from the nation's press; Manzanar charter; 'Y' course ends; fire marshal.

Editorial on the Zoot suit 'gangsters'.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; California's biggest boarding house-Manzanar; from other centers; art exhibit begins four-day showing; for LACC credit.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #38: Oct. 17, 1942

Page 1: Carter attends teachers meet; mass meeting to present nominees; beet workers in breakdown; Japanese nominated in Hawaii elections; when Johnny comes marching home; fiction branch of library open; oil curtailed as shortage hit; absentee voting; funeral; relocation permits are cleared; Scout head hear addresses group; funeral; music hour; newcomers.

Page 2: Editorials; get clothes; dear editor; Catholic club; Campbell trip; about stoves; Idaho; Montana; pattern drafting classes filled; classified ads; vital statistics; Halloween jig; magazine donations.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; religious services; all legal aid promised residents; news nuggets; adult course boasts agricultural class; housing under Temple; kitchen 22 leads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #39: Oct. 19, 1942

Page 1: Free press p-coat contest; discuss farm plans; news briefs; from the nation's press; city insulation nears completion; voters registering; death beckons Issei pioneer; Miya Kikuchi Chicago-bound; warning; new service; Glee Club party set for tomorrow; book socials in advance; movies due; get clothes; attention golfers.

Page 2: Editorials; Manzanar charter; beet workers transferred; for pen pals; from other centers; with the Idaho expeditionary force; lost.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; Tayama calls meeting tonight; introduction of candidates; Manzanar work corps; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #40: Oct. 22, 1942

Page 1: Local health heads transfers to Tule Lake center; work corps election tomorrow; housing moves; vegetables shipped; auditor reports on financial condition; proud papas may see babies; chop suey treat for local gourmands; stoves coming; water, water, in the tub; cotton picking venture fails; Arizona ranch seeks male cook; open forum; new service shows good start; college group holds meeting; cupid's conquests; relocations proceed; tools to come; Bennet visits; library closes.

Page 2: Manzanar charter; Manzanar Metazoa; editorials; required reading for Manzanar; Bussei activities; Spanish classes.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; new paper system reported successful; keep that date; with the clubs; football meet.

Page 4: Sports.

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