Manazanar Free Press, Volume 2 #51-55

Volume 2 #51: Nov. 18, 1942

Page 1: Partial evacuation for Hawaiian Japanese decreed; liquid contraband; three depart for Army teaching jobs in midwest; first practice proves success;co-op congress meets again tonight; studies to aid in relocation; workers return in good spirits after hard labor; check-ups urged for children; famed expert in guayule seminar; specialists here for child clinic; departures; oil on troubled waters; vital statistics; stardusters.

Page 2: Books; editorials; Dr. Smith talks to Japan via radio; panorama items; from the nation's press; students warned against misconduct and lax attendance.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; huge staff works on carnival plans; back to school for adults; second forum on relocation; girls to treat men; housing.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #52: Nov. 19, 1942

Page 1: Co-op votes to sponsor cinemas, open shoe shop; new charter planned; name for local shoyu sought; co-op items; crowds deluge coffee sale; boy relocates; official unscathed in auto accident; student relocations to be discussed; more furlough workers return.

Curfew illegal.

Soldier shot.


Page 2: Henry Wallace on The New Democracy.

Page 3: Adult education; delegates for P-TA congress to be elected; forum to feature relocation; cripple clinic proves popular; new rulings for students; post-football game dance; Hayashi explains boiler functions in providing 'oyu'; Canteen Cowboy.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #53: Nov. 21, 1942

Page 1: Good jobs offered; polls will open tomorrow; Kimbell attends directors meet; fancy turkey dinner on tap; furlough returns near halfway mark; record output of shoyu made; language profs still sought; domestic jobs still offered; fire water goes to hospital; sugar situation explained to group; give preference to minority jobs; departure; don't forget to vote; loan Ward catalogs to local residents; mess hall 7, library and study hall.

Page 2: Editorial; The Editor's Cubbyhole; Idaho columnist reports changed views on Nisei; On The Twin Pines Trail; new reading club to meet Sunday.

Page 3: Canteen Cowboy; three to speak at church forum; centers exchange labor reports; calendar of the week; survey for clothing started; Dr. Carter takes leave of absence; news nuggets; religious services; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #54: Nov. 23, 1942

Page 1: Plans for income boost proposed; lots of fuel; toss and tumble; eggs listed as rationed food; news nuggets; this week to hail majority of beet toppers; extend contest deadline date; four water mains freeze with cold; full course dinner due this Thursday; 'employers well, housing lousy' say Idaho workers; one hurt as drivers escape injury in first auto crash.

Page 2: Editorials; adult education; On The Twin Pines Trail; Canteen Cowboy; vital statistics; funeral service.


Page 3.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 2 #55: Nov. 26, 1942

Page 1: Ralph Merritt named new project director; work corp co-op move; buses bring more workers from Montana; move to organize community chest; in the favorable limelight.

Trouble at Poston.

Page 2: Financial statement of Manzanar Cooperative Enterprises, Inc; editorials.

Page 3: With the Clubs; Co-Op; News Nuggets; forgot anything?; work offered in Idaho; writers rejoin staff after furlough work; fire college; vital statistics;classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

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