Manazanar Free Press, Volume 3 #6-10

Volume 3 #6: Jan. 20, 1943

Page 1: Co-op promises set of latest pictures; News Nuggets; transfer to other centers possible with revised policy; local 'R' day tomorrow; over 350 students enrolled in Jaysee; manufacturing; peace committee given approval; typewriter rentals due for distribution; scouts to hike; Hi-Jinx; J.C. personnel.

Page 2: Committee on resettlement; police class on accident prevention starts; plans for music course in schools; Around the Blocks; departures; Scouts conclude 3-day meeting with officials; Justameres; traffic news; clothing issue gets clearance; return on sales receipts announced.

Page 3: Co-op; 'Hell Day' held by Cats, Knights; Buddhist church to sponsor pioneer's day; grammar, reading classes underway; pinochle; Spanish class in session; evacuee property.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #7: Jan. 23, 1943

Page 1: Gotos honored at party; and the rains came; Nisei soldiers alarm farmer; form peace group, officials named; plasterboard, lumber arrive; WRA field office in Chicago opens; grants-in-aid distributed; jobs open; need permit to build fires; woodworking plant started; come, oujji, come, when you come will you knock?

Page 2: Editorial; current events; committee on resettlement; traffic news; pinochle contest.

Page 3: Co-op.; lecture series starts; children's village gets donation from Camp Walters, Texas; Rev. Hulet in two meetings; classified ads; new teacher; vital statistics; teachers sought; first pioneer's day in festive program; third art exhibit has fine arts work.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #8: Jan. 27, 1943

Page 1: Local screen has comedy; first pioneer's day observed; relocation jobs offered; file your tax returns early; new classes due to start; checks here; urges investigation of centers on coast; file application for beet furlough leave; personnel office calls for workers; clothing cash method explained; art exhibit attracting crowd.

Page 2: Editorial; information on mess halls; educators make hazardous trip to Los Angeles through storm; committee on resettlement; traffic news; sewing classes in registration; here and there.

Page 3: Co-op; News Nuggets; Christian forum to hear four-member panel; first lecture with Dr. William Bruce proves interesting; changed locale of laundry, cleaning dept.; vital statistics; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #9: Jan. 30, 1943

Page 1: From the Nation's Press; Nisei may answer call to colors; Nisei desire to serve answered; WRA field offices reaping jobs results; co-op issues form for membership; workers required to sign individual time cards monthly; government calls for automobiles and farm equipment; valentine lei dance features 3 bands.

Page 2: Editorial; Panorama; from the Heart Mountain Sentinel; inter-collegiate and YWCA committee to discuss forthcoming conference; Grew describes menace of Japanese militarism.

Page 3: Co-op; From Other Centers; group home extension course offered by two universities; traffice news; poem; Mrs. Lucy Adams replaces Temple.

Page 4: Around the Blocks; Club News; heat wave in T-shirts; two arrive for children's village; junior college; radio repair class may start; mending service; public meetings.

Page 5: Committee on resettlement; YP forum to have four speakers on race problems; second lecture series; calendar of the week; join A-Capella; P-TA to have get-together party; vital statistics.

Page 6: Sports.

Volume 3 #10: Feb. 3, 1943

Page 1: Sugar beet agents interview prospective farmers; police announce special six-man body; may establish co-op outside defense area; 'Manhunt' previewed; maintenance, PD gets GIs; khaki-waacy?; equality sought by draft board; beet workers may be called earlier; resettlement, transfers claim recent departures; no more hikes up to mountains; taxpayers may seek assistance at legal aid; new fire truck due to arrive.

Page 2: Editorial; letter denounces petty nationalism; money received for social welfare here; News Nuggets; Manzanar library progress; visual education exhibit in museum; Scouts to use abandoned house; pinochle; nursery teachers open schools after training; more needed for join review dramatic venture; experiment told.

Page 3: Co-op; week-end programs scheduled; instruction against race intolerance advocated at forum; register now; meeting dates for Scouts changed; co-op election nears; calendar of week; classified ads.

Page 4: Sports.

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