Manazanar Free Press, Volume 3 #36-40

Volume 3 #36: May 5, 1943

Page 1: Advisory board election reaches half-way mark; project director clarifies return of resettlers; adult education offers course in economics; From the Nation's Press; housing dept. obtains rice straw for mattresses; bathing facilities problem of workers; tailoring school has 127 graduates; workers needed to fill jobs; Parade of Band climax; Bovenkerk speaks at church meeting; two groups to hold record jam session; resettlers given warm welcome in Colorado; turn in receipts under one name; pre-school PTA to hold first aid and health program; civil service jobs; Colonel pays visit.

Page 2: Twin Pines Trail; editorial; passage of bill has active backing of Asian groups; to limit shipment of household goods; final exams for JC to be held soon.

Page 3: News Nuggets; outside jobs; local nurses to train girls as registered attendants; Mother's Day theme feature at forum; classified ads; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #37: May 8, 1943

Page 1: Evacuees eligible for vocational training by NYA; council members chosen; enlisting of Nisei in WACs approved; soldiers families may receive grants; procedure released on damage claims; Milwaukee promoter makes tour of camp; sixty take exams for civil service; DeWitt raised to Lt .General; local campsite in '63 ranch of early pioneer; Nisei girl exemplifies Americanism by honesty.

State Department.

Page 2: Civil aeronautics body to issue identifications; official opening set for courts; plants to be sold at victory garden; Red Cross office takes messages; Buddhists to hold Mother's service; Chester appointed priority officer; spare children's play equipment; mess operation supervisors food and ration board; Jr. Matrons to meet; local science club; acute labor shortage here.

Page 3: Churchmen and inter-college group slated to hear Hunter; From Other Centers; weddings and engagements; Mother's Day offers theme for forum, fellowship; concert set for music week.

Page 4: Editorial; 'Freedom, it's wonderful', resettlement told in book; Nisei receive public welcome; west L.A. group to arrive today.

Myer rumor.

Page 5: Pacific Citizen editorial quoted in Davis' broadcast; former residents describe tenor in joining Army life; Shooting the Breeze; Twin Pines Trail.

Page 6: Sports.

Volume 3 #38: May 12, 1943

Page 1: Communicable diseases on increase in center; Army enlistment for combat unit is still possible; prominent men to teach course on religion; public acceptance of Nisei implies favorable attitude; short term leaves of paroled aliens; Filer, Idaho destination of 74 furlough workers; Samler to speak on NYA issue; tournament commemorates Boy's Festival; weather permits early planting; government to pay bills of loading; Eastern visits related by rev.; co-op meeting; farm laborers wanted; draft notice.

Page 2: Federal minimum wage gives workers fair wage guarantee; 'never too late' says Issei student; dear editor; forum discusses family life; Red Cross drive brought to close; requests report of reckless driving; From the Beet Fields; resettlers' irresponsible acts prejudice public.

Page 3: Outside jobs; News Nuggets; beware of fire hydrants; adult survey shows more men than women attend classes; students elect; judo tournament; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #39: May 15, 1943

Page 1: 'Resettling is an asset' says Rhodes in speech; From the Nation's Press; Nisei in action overseas has relatives here; offers of NYA training discussed; notary public; cars in storage should be sold; local center keeps best record in fire losses; Salvation Army to assist evacuees; more workers leave for Idaho farms; student relocation claims 34 persons; jobless oil boys; 'Manzanar honey' for mess halls; soldier boys entertain Nisei girls at Shelby; Boy Scout headquarters opens under new leader; co-op employees.

Page 2: Ask Nisei to start living in America; editorial; C rating for trained police; cashier window set up in co-op; food items sold at canteen; adult classes in new term.

Page 3: Arrivals; News Nuggets; Nisei soldiers honored by YWCA staff and mothers; Nation's Press cont; pre-school; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 3 #40: May 19, 1943

Page 1: Sugar available for preservers of canned goods; housing shortage in Salt Lake City; no definite job offer needed for resettlement; questions and answers on NYA issue; 26 policemen awarded badges and certificates; cigarette butts cause of fires; job opportunities to Nisei offered in various cities; senior nurses qualify for R.N.s; dispensory service; residents' clothing alterations free; Chicago needs steno; typists; checks received by 9 departments; New York church group to aid in resettlement.

Page 2: Dear Editor; editorial; News Nuggets; From Other Centers; job opportunities cont.

Page 3: Twin Pines Trail; Dies committee checks kitchens; Social Doings; questions and answers cont; Masunaka praises local nurse staff; students graded.

Page 4: Sports.

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