Manazanar Free Press, Volume 4 #26-32

Volume 4 #26: Dec. 4, 1943

Page 1: Residents of WRA policies at discussion; choose evacuee police officers for new term; set deadline on answer changes; Hooper, Shelton attend confab; Elberson to assist evacuees in cooperative method relocation; Norman Thomas hits racial discrimination; feature handmade products at sale; tell of New England opportunities; come claim pack; reception favorable in Twin Cities area.

Page 2: Editorial; From the Nation's Press; fellowship to meet; letters from the public; Around the Blocks; slate discussion to define democracy; residents hear cont; comin-goin.

Page 3: Fifth Column; reporter interviews furlough workers; Wisconsin lumber, veneer co. offers employment for men; From Other Centers; calf born, brings to 130 head.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #27: Dec. 8, 1943

Page 1: Bomber crashes at Manzanar; 'White Christmas' in Manzanar?; Adams tells assembly of local clearance hearings; 'war front exciting' says Nisei; Smeltzer to speak Friday; reinduct person on indefinite leaves; name four from community to complete advisory committee; fire advisor checks control system; use tanks in own block for oil; Harding hear on inspection tour; expect November paychecks soon; panel discussion.

Page 2: Editor; sift attitude toward evacuees; Eberharter defends Constituitional rights; police department plan wider service; editor comments on sentiment poll; ask furlough boys call for allowance; clearance hearings cont.

Page 3: Cooperative Enterprises financial statement; give facts on Ft. Wayne, Ind; Aiso speaks at New York forum.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #28: Dec. 11, 1943

Page 1: Open west gate to cemetery; judgment in not calling Army troops to settle Tule Lake riot justified-Myer truck collision injures three passengers; deliver trees; tells of Washington area opportunities; report burglary in canteen 8; riot foundation for retaliation related; President Roosevelt bans racial discrimination in war industry; invite residents to practice caroling; praise record of Nisei combat unit; taxes may be paid in two installments.

Page 2: Editorial; letters from the public; release schedule for ticket distribution; call for membership certificates; ask clarification of mission assessment; Young Buddhist association meets; home nursing aides to be organized; tell opportunities cont; to show movie, slides at discussion.

Page 3: Fifth Column; As They Come and Go; to centralize responsibility for broader resettlement program; offers pour in from Midwest; ask unemployed to register for work; new hostel to open in Minneapolis; Dr. Smith visits Camp Shelby.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #29: Dec. 15, 1943

Page 1: Nurse tells of forming home nursing aids; initiate presentation method; complete plans for apprenticeship here; finish paycheck distribution Monday; Merritt tells important event of week-weather; Myer answers to Dies committee on Tule trouble; aliens eligible for short-term leave; local mess system lauded by Harding; intelligence service needs translators; Rev. Bovenkerk to attend conference; to show movies.

Page 2: Editorial; form brush crew; letters from the public; Mira Shapps visits center last week; hi school news; new zoning system; winners of quilt raffle; mess system cont; New Year's dance.

Page 3: Make change in motor pool office; From Other Centers; As They Come and Go; give information on Milwaukee area to aid future resettlers; tell residents of job opportunities; Around the Blocks; vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #30: Dec. 18, 1943

Page 1: Stress proper care of colds to avoid flu; chivalry prevails at man returns wallet; attorney general Biddle tells Jewish theological seminary of evacuation; ODT asks restriction on travel during holidays; pre-school classes make holiday plans; farm resolution on Japanese Americans; cites danger of race discrimination; Los Angeles council against discrimination; Frizzel to conduct Christmas concert; blame snow, poor visibility for wreck; explain shortage of daily papers.

Page 2: Editorial; letters from the public; Midwest Frontiers staffed by Nisei; Spanish authorities investigate camps; initiate new hours for check cashing; Emmons tells about Japanese in state; two WRA employees enlist in WAF; three library books lost.

Page 3: Fifth column; truck lines need men in Ohio; resettlement aids given resettlers; From Other Centers; local cattle herd increased 40 head; As They Come and Go; call for shoes.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

Volume 4 #31: Dec. 22, 1943

Page 1: Spanish counsel addresses block managers; greetings from Ralph Merritt; Cozzens hits 'race baiters'; Merritt warns on travel regulation; remind evacuees of draft instructions; to kill chickens for New Year's; explain revision on shoe ration stamp; gifts arrive for center distribution; provide benefits for camp workers.

Page 2: Purely Personal; letters from the public; review operations of Manzanar co-op; all-gal session; Barrows explains WRA policies; history, future of WRA told veterans; request residents call for parcels; clothing allowance adjustments made; Dr. Opler, Saks at discussion; Spanish counsel cont.

Page 3: Kurosu releases list 'of wants'; Esquires sponsor 'White Christmas'; Young tours departments; why big brothers leave home.

Page 4: Editorial; it may have been a Christmas dream but what do you think?; department tells new resolutions.

Page 5: Fifth Column; St. Nick to discard traditional sleigh?; Manzanar nears WRA aim to make camp self-supporting; consult library on holiday decorations.

Pages 6, 7: Sports.

Page 8: Ads.

Volume 4 #32: Dec. 30, 1943

Page 1: Mess staff cut cleared; Heart Mountain seek relocation conference; local dentist to be feted; civil service job offered; Busseis plan joint meet.

Page 2: Editorial; letters from the public; From the Nation's Press; engineers sought for Texas offer; Judoist plan gala party.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: First evacuee WAC inducted; arrivals and departures; writer praises Minneapolis Y; relocation meet cont.; adults hold Yule party; vital statistics.

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