Manzanar Free Press, Volume 6 #16-20

Volume 6 #16, August 19, 1944

Page 1: Myer inspects center, reports on conditions; businessmen future discussed at panel; minister attacks race intolerance; simultaneous death of buddies related; applicants may receive rehearing on clearances; conferences held; Hunt family boasts six service flags; two day conference held by local PTA; justice for Nisei pleaded by rabbis; Jap Americans in battle at Saipan; plan segregation of Canadian Japanese; to hold interviews; vocational training head visits center.

Page 2: Attendance lacking; letters from the public; G.I. Joe; to hold conferences; Town Hall Topics; favorable report given from Omaha; Red Cross clears blood donations.

Page 3: On Prejudice; fete second-year; finish paving soon; dollars and sense; to feature Dorsey, Shaw on symphony; refuse vote rights to Canadian Japanese; Nisei soldiers praised; paper-pm-praised.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #17, August 23, 1944

Page 1: Issue regulations on overseas yule gift mailing; postpone discussions until further notice; star Clarence Muse on lone pine variety show; Pitts assistant director; star troubles cause forced landing; mounted patrol officer sustains minor injury.

Page 2: Editorial; From Other Centers; Nisei silences enemy with Fifth Army; 'Flame of Barbary Coast' being made near Bishop; Los Angeles county to get Inyo county water.

Page 3: Biddle declares coast return inevitable; Poston inductees leave for Fort Douglas; Kobashigawa awarded DSC cross; seek claimants for unclaimed packages; Christmas packages cont; Magano tells of Massachusetts reception; men wanted by police for mounted patrol; four Nisei soldiers rescue three Americans; wedding.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #18, August 26, 1944

Page 1: First Nisei group sent to west coast post for further training; Tanaka to counsel student relocation; alien parolees may apply for release; means available to send ashes of deceased to Japan; USO group plans to honor parents; federal court to hear of loyal Nisei exclusion; Biddle comments on Japanese problem; 100th display finest tradition of Army.


Page 2: Vocational training needs; As They Come and Go; GI Joe; letters from the public.

No Japs wanted.

Page 3: The Kami-Kaze; hemp mills opened to Issei, Nisei; Town Hall Topics; domestic offers exceed supply; girls in capitol live cooperatively; dollars and sense; Suzukawa honored; T.B. patients removal likely; Manzanite writes.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #19, August 30, 1944

Page 1: School slated to open on September 1; two Nisei to return to Pacific Coast; Myer denies closing of any other centers; JACL reports donation; Chester leaves for UNRRA post in Africa; high Nisei I.Q. in Army reported.

Page 2: From other centers; editorial; seek cooperation; reservists called; Navy stand on Nisei announced; Chester cont.

Page 3: JACL suggests papers tell Nisei casualties; Otsuya to be held; lecture tour by Yatabe on east coast plan; war jobs in Cleveland opened to Nisei; schools open cont; Carr's decision.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #20, Sept. 2, 1944

Page 1: USO to honor families of servicemen at program; Poole to leave for United Nations relief post; Nisei's exploits told; smoker starts fire; India experiences told by Sgt. Hiraide; Colliers praises 100th battalion; clearances passed; high school pupils to be interviewed; optomologist slated here Sept. 4-7; rent of center boosted by city; Father Healy visits.

J. Edgar Hoover attacks rumors.

Page 2: Editorial; Dollars and Sense; G.I. Joe; Scout executive lauds youngsters.

Page 3: The Kami-Kaze; United Nations Facts cartoon; tell co-op nominees; Town Hall Topics; two sisters visit Manzanar center; pleased with work; evening under the stars concert.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

The paper has generally been printing a mimeograph edition, then a regular printed edition, then back to mimeograph, etc.

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