Manzanar Free Press, Volume 6 #26-30

Volume 6 #26, Sept. 23, 1944

Page 1: Part time workers sought to ease manpower shortage; to premier Frizzell skit; leading citizens discuss means to prevent vale reoccurance; Nisei war casualty asks aid to others; furlough workers leave for Aberdeen; vocational training courses may be had at Omach Tech.; Nisei risks own life to save owl; slate congressmen's meet; Pasadena education board accepts Takai; Hollywood stills on exhibt at museum; Mexican publication condemns Japanese.

Page 2: Editorial; dollars and sense; cartoon; Korematsu-Endo case slated for Supreme Court; Town Hall Topics; commanding officer lauds 442nd .

Page 3: As I was saying; Manzanar High School news; brothers reunited after twelve years; as they leave; yule edition; notice-seniors; first nursery tutor; visitors to Tule Lake limited; WMC praises eleven Nisei war workers; JACL to conduct coast return poll.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-12: Translation of Japanese section.

Pages 13-16: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #27, Sept. 27, 1944

Page 1: Myer due here next week; Industrial division to cease operations Sept. 30; messages from Japan awaiting recipients; appointed personnel club to be formed; Merritt attends Denver conference.

Page 2: From other centers; editorial; three youths caught outside of boundary; Houser predicts return of Nisei to west coast; Myer cont; registered nurse's job offered in Nebraska.

Page 3: Letters from the public; local resident returns to Los Angeles home; Wyoming evacuees get jobs for Army at depot; classified ads bring comments from reader; job offers received.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-9: Translation of Japanese section.

Volume 6 #28, Sept. 30, 1944

Page 1: Asks careful use of stoves; secondary school students help farm; release schedule on new auditorium use; Ogura condemns German leaders; ask use of USO hall for parties; Hawaiian trio visits here from Pinedale; advocate return.

Page 2: Editorial; dollars and sense; cartoon; arts, crafts classes to open; large business solicit evacuee help.

Page 3: Fifth Column; town hall topics; soldier abroad hits anti-Nazi attitude; Manzanar high school news; let's pitch in; seek claimants.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-10: Translation of Japanese section.

Pages 11-14: In Japanese.

Volume 6 #29,Oct. 4, 1944

Page 1: Second reservist group called; ten to leave for Fort Douglas; messages await owners; New York WRA head her to counsel resettlers; to distribute oil soon; casualty list compiled.

Page 2: As They Leave; editorial; Graff to head Detroit post.

Page 3: Future violators face Bishop jail; music classes commence; relocation offers here for domestic workers; release statistics on WRA center population; Chicago housing unit available for girls.

Two articles.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5,6: Translation of Japanese section.

Pages 7, 8: Japanese section.

Volume 6 #30,Oct. 7, 1944

Page 1: WRA tells evacuees of changing public attitudes; fire prevention week to begin; Myer, wife, Cozzens honored at tea party here; Proclamation; visits Merritt; deadline nears; Nisei WAC, sister of Swish Ogura,visits here; draftee deferred; drive to begin here; Little, Winchester leave on vacation.

In Canada.

Page 2: Editorial; dollars and sense; cartoon; Nisei chaplain rescues buddies bodies.

Page 3: As I Was Saying; vital statistics; Manzanar high school news; town hall topics; Myer's visit cont; new music classes; to aid resettlers.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5, 6: Translation of Japanese section.

Page 7, 8: In Japanese.

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