Manzanar Free Press, Volume 6 #81-85

Volume 6 #81: March 31, 1945

Page 1: Eight families sign contracts for agricultural work in Utah; four visitors here to leave for Army; enthusiasm shown for resettlement; lack of patrons close library; Catholic church to give program tomorrow evening; Mary Arnold aids New York office; Manzanar Red Cross confident of meeting new campaign goal; publish special military edition; Christian church to hold Easter sunrise services; Minidoka girl wins fellowship award; numerous offers received here from California; release figures on Nisei boys in U.S. Armed Forces; regulations limit construction work in centers; fifty families to leave here for Seabrook; $6, 237.44 in rebates distributed by co-op.

Page 2: New York adopts anti-discrimination law; New York Calling; Maybe You Know illustration; carry your classification card; Pvt. Ando's photo displayed in Iowa store; Red Cross cont.

Page 3: Purely Personal; Cincinnati hostel open to evacuee families; Army requires oath by Nisei draftees; general's wife visits Amache; to use crowley for playground; Manzanar seniors to present play; air corp captain author of ban bill.

Graves disturbed.

Prejudice guy shot.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #82: April 4, 1945

Page 1: Manzanar on the move; draft card rules; Dr. Viles visits Manzanar High School from Washington; disclose deadline on use of WRA storage warehouses; Manzanar High School seniors to sponsor double feature show.

Page 2: Manzanar budget; Japanese children may enter Idaho schools without tuition fees; 680 residents witness Catholic Easter play despite bad weather; issue new publication; war veteran lauds record of Nisei soldiers; require union cards for produce work in Los Angeles area.

Page 3: First sergeant Jack Wakamatsu fights in France; Kansas City WRA office issues booklets about Japanese in Missouri; Spain severs relations with Japanese empire; former Sacramento man attacked in Chicago and dies (holdup attempt); committee in New York holds meeting to aid family resettlement; Cleveland guide book ready for resettlers; racial discussion held.


Pages 4-7: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #83: April 7, 1945

Newspaper format.

Page 1: Eliminate advance approval as two visits to center allowed; ask sling shot ban within center area; center-wide drive aids Arita family in recovering loss; Canadian Japanese required to fill questionnaire forms; Booth arrives from Los Angeles to speak tonight; (a second, but different article, with exact same title as first article noted); Hana Matsuri festival to be held; Gila resident commits suicide; survey reveals opinion of Nisei on west coast; police department reminds residents on baggage pickup; Pacific war vets rap west coast race-baiters; to hold Nisei art contest in Neward Women's College; Russian denounces neutrality pact; Manzanar co-op barber shop to close evenings; begin rationing of babies' shoes.


Page 2: Six hundred and three; New York calling; United Nations Facts illustration; twilight over Manzanar; Milwaukee.

Page 3: Purely Personal; Japanese dangerous competitors to farmers on west coast; elementary school makes Easter cards; Manzanar boys aid task force; irrigated land in Shoshone available; Milwaukee cont; blossom girl firm to resume business; receive job offers; Shimizu to return to Boyle Heights.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #84: April 11 1945

Page 1: Manzanar High School staff to sponsor double feature movie; seventh war loan drive goal set at $22,081.17; Japanese American GI of World War I fought in battle of Iwo Jima; CACA-Shigin clubs to present program; center Buddhists honor Lord Buddha's birthday.

A shooting.

Page 2: Editorial; Women's missionary society wish pen pals in relocation centers; Bible College aids wounded Nisei veterans; Nisei troops spearhead fifth army drive.

Page 3: Five Japanese Americans now commissioned in Army Nurse Corps; missing two years, cowboy finds remains; Uyeda opens first business to be established by returnee; discharged soldier returns to Gardenia; special bulletin here on job offers in Great Lakes area; aid wounded cont.

Page 4: Japanese case involves rights of every American; poems by Dave Bromley due from publishers; 'plain kindness' answer to problem of Nisei return; Hasegawa represents eight families on Idaho inspection trip; women voters league calls for relocatees; Nishimoto first veteran re-employed by WRA; offer $150 per month during training period in typesetting work.

Pages 5-8: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 6 #85: April 14 1945

Newspaper format.

Page 1: Manzanar saddened by President's death; property receiving, shipping warehouse moves; insurance not available to Japanese; four additional WRA offices to open in southern California; name twenty-one leaving today for employment at Seabrook; war corespondent writes of Nisei soldiers' problems; baptize thirty-one during March.

Letter against prejudice.

Page 2: Aspirin Pills; on or before January 2, 1946; cartoon.

Page 3: Purely Personal; Nisei interpreters foil enemy attack; New York calling; Issei draftsmen from Topaz center enjoy New York; identification card needed to obtain prompt employment; Nisei doctor denied approval for work.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-9: Japanese and translation section.

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