Manzanar Free Press Relocation Supplement, Volume 1 #16-21

Volume 1 #16: Aug. 4, 1945

Page 1: FSA loan requirements given; Mrs. Kuwhara manages beauty shop in Chicago; former prisoner-of-war friendly toward Nishimoto; proposal made against evacuee discrimination; family relocation discussed in Peoria.

Page 2: Sakamura attends technical school in Massachusetts; FBI find Japanese records cleaner than other Axis nations; former Granada center registered nurse works in St. Agnus hospital; evacuees attend social in Omaha.

Page 3: Departures; Mary Nakashima finds Los Angeles friendly; job offers; tell importance of terminal leave.

Page 4: Former Mananzar family arrives in Cincinnati; job offers cont; Hawaiian-born Japanese woman wins citizenship; Hollywood; Todas operate hostel in Los Angeles area.

Pages 5-11: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 1 #17: Aug. 11, 1945

Page 1: Type-setters wanted; Issei, Nisei work on sheep ranch in Cozad; WRA officer workers meet with resettlers; first Granada returnee inducted into Army; Nisei hold schools.

Page 2: Catholic charities offer housing, work for six family units; California job offers; Buddhist church opens hostel in Detroit; request showing of technicolor film; Pittsburgh hostel open to resettlers; Nisei eligible for housing project home; observe differences in purchasing methods.

Page 3: Departures; Mrs. Katagira leaves Indiana for Illinois; YMCA sponsors picnic for St. Louis Nisei; job offers cont; form church committee to assist resettlers; valedictorian of Butte high school attends Wellesly College.

Page 4: Jobs open in Chicago canning establishment; Rowher resettlers arrive in Los Angeles; Ideda works in home of Dr. Conley; Aki family expect reunion in Boston; departures cont; Red Cross gives aid to evacuee families.

Pages 5-13: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 1 #18: Aug. 15, 1945

Page 1: N.Y. church committee provides scholarships; Chicago passes laws favorably effecting security of resettlers; several Nisei work in Chicago glove factory; demand for workers in N.Y. high; outstanding Nisei work results in more offers.

Page 2: Placement officer in Chicago urges early relocation; Cook, Meier company want more workers; Tokiguchi resigns from WRA office in New York; Teramura obtains job immediately in Omaha; former center resident accepted by University of Pennsylsania; new ruling cont.

Page 3: Job offers; new pamphlet on display at relocation office; New York newcomers entertained monthly; Mits also visits camp couple in Milwaukee; Unawasa awaits family while reopening office; Springfield picnic held for Buffalo resettlers.

Page 4: Depatures; job offers cont; Manzanar resettlers reach Philadelphia; explain how to obtain social security card.

Pages 5-14: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 1 #19: Aug. 22, 1945

Page 1: Job opportunities told by representatives from Connecticut; Nisei enjoy Chicago recreation center; YWCA to establish registry for list of housing, jobs; Nisei club holds social in Toledo; Takeda finds housing in 'city of angels'; two Manzanar couples arrive in New Jersey.

Page 2: Spragg heads welcome committee for Nisei; Canton concern needs engineers, draftsmen; temporary housing for residents available; Amano becomes dairyman in Clinton; Kitayama enrolls at Ohio State University.

Page 3: Mrs. Hashimoto heads activities in Michigan; departures; job offers cont; Ohmoto elected as publicity manager; swimming star returns to Hawaii as teacher of physical education.

Page 4: Departures cont; Buddhist church, N.Y., holds obon service; more jobs available in Campbell's Soup Company; Los Angeles living conditions improved; Nisei veterans arrive on 30-day furlough; Osugi works for potato grower in Girard, Pa.

Pages 5-11: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 1 #20: Aug. 20, 1945

Page 1: Young couple wanted in private school; resettlers' committee plans get-together for Issei residents; Terao likes business, attitude of Chicagoans; 23 far jobs available in east; food company holds dance to raise fund; Walter replaces Lewis in New Orleans.

Page 2: Relocation receives booklet on schools in western New York; departures; W.M.C. helps evacuee find jobs with housing; farm offers; Yuki family buys home near San Jose; two Nisei girls work with Army Signal Corps; Issei, Nisei attend Cosmo club picnic with Caucasians.

Page 3: Dr. Higano works in Boston hospital; departures cont; private school in Geneva, New York, wants teachers; job offers.


Page 4: Okada operates cafe in L.A.; job offers cont; Yoshikawa seeks two workers for vegetable farm; Rev. Nishi resigns to study; St. Louis pamphlet gives information to center evacuees; five Nisei soldiers welcomed in New York; UNRRA employs Nisei secretary.

Pages 5-11: Japanese and translation section.

Volume 1 #21: Sept. 5, 1945

Page 1: Farm housing available in Pahrump, Nevada; job offers; Kay, Taki wanted back by former employer; 1400 acres in Niland offered for cash lease; housing for one family offered on sixty acres of farm land at Santa Fe farm.

Page 2: Departures; Shishidos of Manzanar find housing, job, settle in Des Moines.

Pages 3-6: Japanese and translation section.

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