You Tube videos on Manzanar

I have the name of the video and the person who made it, along with any original comments and any comments I have added (which will be in () ).


”During WWII the Americans locked the American Japanese people into internment camps for their own protection, even so many dead of disease and lack of space. This is a pictorial Essay I did for my World History class about a internment camp named Manzanar. The song on it is Dead Boy's Poem from Nightwish.” From: Iridecent

(This is a tremendously well done project. Excellent in every way. The information is excellent, the music is acceptable, the dissolves and video techniques also excellent. ) This is a must-see video.


”Movie about Japanese internment camp with music by Fort Minor.” From: kenjixero5

An excellent video of a different nature. This one uses a rap song to cover the history of the internment movement, and its sung very well (and very clearly). This is a thoroughly excellent must-see video.

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