The Conquest of Micronesia

1 In the two years after Midway, Japan built 6 new aircraft carriers, while the US built 17.

The carriers would be surrounded by battleships, and those by cruisers, and them by destroyers.

Late 1943, the US is in the process of attacking the Gilbert and Marshall Islands.

Honolulu, a year and a half after Pearl Harbor. The base has been rebuilt and is functioning fully.

This is where the Japanese made a major mistake with Pearl Harbor. They didn't destroy the fuel tanks or the parts of the harbor that were used for construction and repair. They didn't follow up their initial attack with an attempt to take over Hawaii, and this allowed the U.S. to rebuild everything and use the base to launch attacks against Japanese-held islands.

There's a lot of scenes about daily life on the ships, including things like the kitchen facilities, showers, and even an ice-cream shop of sorts.

Ships bombard the targets while the planes attack them from above.

Then the troops prepare to land.

The video then talks about how hard the landings actually were.

Supply ships resupply the attack ships, allowing them to remain in the area and not have to keep returning to base for supplies.

There's around a hundred planes per carrier.

Japanese bombers attempting to attack the US carriers.

A Japanese bomber is shot down.

A Japanese plan is hit by fire from the ships and comes apart.

Another Japanese plane is hit.

Some planes are damaged and can't land normally on the carriers.

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