Minidoka Irrigator: Vol. 4 #26-30

Volume 4 #26: Aug. 13, 1944

Page 1: Two Hunt soldiers die on Italian front; 35 reserves to leave for service; 32 Hunt men report for induction; 10,000 acre range fire; silent 1500 prays for nine soldiers buried in Italy; gas drum tips, ignites truck; refugee site completed; alien population down to three million; Ingham leaves; veteran of 100th battalion plans visit; co-op patronage refunds completed; 100th infantry gathers 1000 purple hearts; second anniversary edition; Tule youth struck by coal truck dies; reports officer; co-op releases election returns; six families to leave for Texas.

Page 2: Editorials; many Americans confusing race and enemy terms; sure,we had it tough, but we're a proud people; servicemen's questions and answers; from cautious experiment Army receives rich reward; reflections.

Page 3: Random Whirlgig; visiting servicement; classes to begin next Monday, acute teacher shortage felt; Brooklyn hostel extends welcome to all evacuees; The Ten Thousand; unclaimed mail; vital statistics; club 44 sponsors 'serenade in blue'; Mexican youth poses as Nisei in Manzanar; Sunday church activities.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #27: Aug. 26, 1944

Page 1: Pfc. Thomas Higa wounded twice; hospital benefit fund campaign; 13 McClellen men become rifle experts; acute shortage of aids may close hospital wards; R.C. receives resuscitator; co-election now completed; new junior counselor; Roosevelt gives citation to famed 100th battalion; project USO receives fund from national; Pvt. Pete Fujunio writes to mother before death; special edition upped four pages; Ishida receives purple heart.

Page 2: Editorials; Reflections; Evacu-ways; war plant jobs for girls in Ohio; unit has fought on virtually all Italian fronts; four personnel members resign; Globe-Democrat features Oregon Nisei war story; editorial raps Calif. racists; shortage of workers felt in every department as relocation steps up; fighting skill of JA infantry has never been questioned; last year about this time; vital statistics.

Page 3: Random Whirlgig; movie schedule; Ann Nisei's column; weddings and engagements; leader of student body; The Ten Thousand; church; swimming classes to be conducted; girl reserves to plan fall program; soldier guests.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #28: Sept. 2, 1944

Page 1: Memorial service slated; Pfc. Nezu, prisoner of war, broadcasts from Berlin; block commissioners, councilmen ready to study problems; 23 messages, reports held at Red Cross; block manage system abolished; no Irrigator next week; no restrictions on sending human ashes to Japan; V-mail may be written in Japanese; first meeting of new co-op board; information released on war dead; car theft report released; volunteer visits brother's grave in Italy; Nisei soldier overseas hits draft evasion; two parolees arrive; labor shortage hits camp; friends pledge aid on Nisei return on Pacific Coast; Nisei soldiers' influence felt.

Page 2: Editorial; Random Whirlgig; Evacu-ways; what more conclusive test of patriotism is there?; nurses aide class to begin soon; Minn. editor writes about experience with Nisei G.I.s; nine members added to ad staff; vital statistics; Sunday church activitites.

Page 3: Socials in camp would improve so much if; The Ten Thousand; visiting servicemen; weddings and engagements; nurseries undergo housecleaning; English, history night classes; movie schedule.

Page 4: Sports.

Volume 4 #28: Sept. 16, 1944

Note; this is the second paper with the issue #28.

Page 1: D.S.Myer sends congratulatory wire on edition; Stafford sends message on second anniversary; Mrs. Roosevelt expresses hope for Nisei future; Canadian evacuees in six camps; editorial; loyalty, patriotism manifested by 100th, 442nd units; Watts proud to be C.O. of 171s bn.; three Hunt boys among first to reach beach Pisa; evacuation was harsh measure, but it gave new liberty concepts; former report officer writes.

Page 2: Reviewing the Army program; a voice in the night; hope for better world through men on battlefronts.

Page 3: That these men may not have died in vain; a tribute to Nisei volunteers; we fight for our rights says Hunt inductee; men wounded in the front lines; Nisei's stars and stripes.

Page 4: St. Louis calling future relocatees; 23,000 Japanese in Canada affected by evacuation; a volunteer's opinion; Minidoka proves peaceful for internal security; procurement unit keeps center going on supplies.

Page 5: C.A. offices hum with activities; rec. calendar 1943-44; community activities perform many activities for benefit of people; Hunt Boy Scouts enjoy program; 34 blocks organize clubs for socials; Hunt USO chapter; oldsters form recreation clubs; C.A. sponsors many dances.

Page 6: Editorial; the evacuation as an educational experience; events in Issei, Nisei lives make fascinating yarn.

Page 7: Cartoon; Nisei battalions in Italy prove worth; Nisei blueprint of relations with people in Pacific area; Their Price poem.

Page 8: Honoring Hunt servicemen in Uncle Sam's Armed Forces.

Volume 4 #28: Sept. 16, 1944

This is the third paper with the issue being #28.

Page 1: Stretching 1000 acre farm supplies all food for project.

Page 2: community govt. set up December 43; councilmen elected for second term; council takes part in many activities; fair labor board settles working condition dispute; blocks elect 35 men as commissioners to council.

Page 3: Buddhist, Catholic, Protestant churches active in Minidoka; Honoring Hunt Servicemen continued.

Page 4: Feminidoka; 176 marriages on record since 1942; Girl Scouts play prominent role in center activities.

Page 5: Hunt schools do fine job in youth education; pros, cons of trade vs. college; grade schools instill basic foundation for child's education, mental growth; student relocation division aids over 2,500 Nisei college students.

Page 6: Relocation office busiest in camp; job files kept for relocatees; assistant project directors; engineering unit covers construction, maintenance, all operational activities; clothing allowance office computes all compensations; former raw sageland cultivated, produces enough to feed town of 7,500 people.

Page 7: Co-op set up to meet Hunt residents' needs.

Page 8: Ad.

Volume 4 #28: Sept. 16, 1944

This is the fourth paper with the same issue number.

Page 1: Memorial services held; Army ordinance depot to recruit workers here; to our readers; registration for Red Cross classes to start soon; Atty. Gen. Miller says tuition must be paid; six men convicted at Boise trial; Army beckons many boys; PMGO clearance removed by Army; penicillin saves child; 45 Nisei soldiers from all centers killed in action; Most Rev. Tucker to visit; all-day nursery classes planned.

Page 2: That there have been days; cartoon.

Page 3: That there have been days; cartoon.

Page 4: Local hospital treats hundreds of patients despite labor shortage; legal aid keeps popular office for troubled people; 'know thyself' basic aim of comm. class; local post office handles hundreds of mail daily.

Pages 5-7: Sports.

Page 8: Ad.

No issue #29.

Volume 4 #30: Sept. 23, 1944

Page 1: Build that gym week proclaimed; lawyer says juriors may be prejudiced; public meetings on Army depot jobs to be held all next week; wounded veterans of Hunt makes short visit to Hunt; AG releases farm report; Cleveland boy killed by gun; JACL petitions for Frisco return; Colonel Pence, 44nd. Inf. C.O. praises soldiers; first Nisei girl returns to enroll at Pasadena, J.C.; Nisei return to coast clarified; six more Santa Fe internees return; Nisei soldier dies urging others to be treated first; first Nisei soldier elected into VFW; second JACL national convention planned; Sgt. Sumioka rests in Italy.

Page 2: Editorial; men dying for what?; A Nisei soldier writes back; Christian approach to race relations only solution; GI condemns CA. racists; Iowa all corn, rolling hills; Reflections; Vital Statistics.


Page 3: Weddings and engagements; student of Kalamazoo College writes on assimilation of Nisei students; Evacu-Ways; The Ten Thousand; CA sponsors weekend art, vegetable, flower exhibits; Pacific Citizen plans special Christmas edition; movie schedule; visiting servicemen; Sunday church activities.

Page 4: Sports.

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