Minidoka Irrigator: Vol. 4: 41-45

Volume 4 #41: Dec. 16, 1944

Page 1: December draft men to report to Boise; Captain Nakashima serving in India; promotions given 64 men of 442nd on battlefield; delivery of gifts to start today; third memorial service honor ten war dead; gym workers may get other jobs; 10,000 pounds of mochi-gome here; metal toys fixed; alien Japanese volunteer for Army from Ohio; two pay tribute to Nisei fighting in Europe; local harvest nearly completed; public, private agencies help resettled evacuees; 271 truck loads of coal delivered; World War I vet returns to California; Magic Valley JACL sponsors meeting; ejected war vet receives sympathy from all states; Koen-Kai fund.


Page 2: Editorials; civil liberties union spends own funds in test cases; duties of evacuee property office explained in series; American spirit gives credit when due; clear explanation of Japanese issued needed-LA Times; 'fight for your rights'; job opportunities wider in East than West; ex-Gator member writes of Negro problem in Oberlin; evacuee evicts Caucasian tenant.

Page 3: Evacu-ways; Movie schedule; social news (weddings, engagements, etc.); 20 blocks register in all Camp Xmas decoration contest; The 10,000; relocated; recent vital statistics.

Page 4: Sports; insurance policy; classified ads; Sunday church activities.

More material on prejudice.

Volume 4 #42: Dec. 23, 1944

There were two papers issued on the same day. This first one has photographs only.

The second one was the 'normal' newspaper.

Page 1: Third memorial services honors 10 dead; Portland rules citizens may hold municipal licenses; 12 men to leave for Army; Sec. Icke's message on ban lift; Manzanar evacuees not in favor of west coast return; journal awarded scroll on basis of race amity; Yanagamachi commissioned second lt.; Ikeda among first to reach 'Lost Battalion'; three blocks lead in hall decorations; war bond drive nets $20,027.27; legion post urges Japanese to sell land; delivery of mochi-gome to mess halls delayed; high school core system clarified.

Page 2: Editorials; Nisei soldiers' deeds featured in Midpacifican publication; pipedreaming; Post Dispatch believes in education coast agitators; washington post; news of individual soldiers; 923 chickens used in Christmas menu.

Two more articles dealing with prejudice.

Page 3: High Wind; The Ten Thousand; radio program features story of ejected veteran; social news; relocated; movie schedule.

Page 4: Sports; church services; classified ads; clearance for the Nisei; Los Angeles mayor cannot guarantee safety to evacuees.

Volume 4 #43: Jan. 6, 1945

Page 1: Kimball studies center situation here; Ore. licenses available for businesses; evacuee resegregation process being planned; two Hunt men with 442nd receive battle citation; insurance data available on deceased soldiers; 28 families leave for Sioux depot; prior approval needed for assistance grants; Sumitomo bank pays dividends to all members; visitors must notify relocation office before visit; news of individual soldiers; absence of Nisei names from honor roll stirs Gardenans.

Page 2: Editorial.

Almost the entire page is about prejudice.

Page 3: 12-year zodiac of Far East; production quotas unavailable to local Red Cross; social news; movie schedule; relocated; vital statistics; Sunday church activities.

Page 4: Sports; Evacuees should be given right to establish homes; social news; West Coast residents write on evacuee return to paper.

Volume 4 #44: Jan. 13, 1945

Page 1: Centers to be closed within one year; Japanese return will not create serious trouble; fire damage cannot be fixed; traveling aliens must have permits; 15 return to coast on short terms; pickle plant closed; WRA approaches center closures with confidence; selective service classifications given; small dining halls to close; individual soldier news; 147 evacuees ask removal of goods; no shoe stamps to be canceled; Alaska GIs forget race prejudice; evacuee property moves to ad area; Hunt volunteers awarded citation; suite for family opened in Detroit.

Page 2: Editorial; Negroes in fight over L.A. church; pipedreaming; news of individual soldiers; Pasadena group comments on coast ban lift; Oregon CIO backs Japanese American rights; California group asks for tolerance.

Another article on prejudice.

Page 3: Random Whirlgig; social news; students sponsor gala Mardi Gras; Hunt Talent show to be broadcast; The 10,000; Sunday church activities; relocated; center population total 7388 on Jan. 1.

Page 4: Sports; Bainbridge Review carries letters on evacuee return; classified ads; news of soldiers.

Volume 4 #45: Jan. 20, 1945

Page 1: Internal Revenue officers arrive to give tax advice; nomination convention for community council; seniors to graduate Jan. 27; Friends committee will assist evacuee return; gate control soon to be on 24-hour basis; 15 men called for active duty; board permission needed for use of gym; March of Dimes campaign to start; Nisei admitted to Hollywood legion; 17 men to report for induction; federal positions available to eligible evacuees; 3,817,311 pounds vegetables grown on project in 1944; 1,500 tofu cakes to be made daily; news of individual soldiers.

Prejudiced action.

Page 2: Editorial; former Hunt teacher gives vivid account of student relations; The Readers' Rostrum; Burley Herald praises evacuee labor, conduct; West Coast race question basis for editorial; adjustment of aliens' cooks wages being studied; Pittsburgh citizens form group to aid evacuees; Journal editorial comments on tolerant action of Hollywood legion.

Page 3: Social news; movie schedule; relocated.

Page 4: Sports; closure of some WRA area offices causes transfers; classified ads; news of individual soldiers; church services.

Myer defends evacuees.

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