Poston Press Bulletin Volume 21 #26-30

Volume 21 #26: Dec. 9, 1944

Page 1: Center honor roll goes up in unit I; December Army calls; boys 18 must register; Silver Star awarded posthumously; movie.

Page 2: Employment relations board members chosen; evacuee sentenced for taking lumber; first alien to volunteer; socials should not be planned for Dec. 24; 'Four Jills and a Jeep' movie; women's club already sells; co-op officials visit from Washington, D.C. ; mess operations chief consults with Snelson; social worker here; agriculture report; Bussei to assist in school construction.

Page 3: Todah returns to Los Angeles; 57 called to active duty; Nisei WACs at Snelling.

Page 4: Honor roll unveiling ceremony; block 326 and 327 soldiers; Unit III raises money for fire fund; post office request on check endorsements; beware of traps at poultry farm; block 325 elects new block manager; p.o. transaction report; sports; library will open Sunday afternoon.

Page 5: Briefly; Miles E. Cary High School new name for Poston II high school; EFM service to be suspended for three weeks; Red Cross to sponsor xmas seals campaign; Buddhist service for tomorrow; maintenance enjoys chicken barbeque.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-9: In Japanese.

Volume 21 #27: Dec. 12, 1944

Page 1: Warren pledges support if military decides on mass Japanese return; 900 in armed forces from this center; Dollins of Washington relocation liaison section visits center; please return stand; one refuses induction.

Hatchet assault.

Page 2; President Roosevelt praises Nisei G.I.'s; Navy school wants Japanese teachers; all invited to attend Catholic services; unit I police captains; council doings; Pasadena dedicates Nisei honor roll; Audobon prints book obtained for hospital.

Page 3: Briefly; quad III has meeting to discuss fire prevention; social news; inductees requested to cc to Red Cross office before leaving center; to and from; El Chap pledge cards to go on sale.

Page 4: Dust n' Desert; council committees; high school installs fire bells; correction on price of Hi-Times tickets.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 21 #28: Dec. 14, 1944

Page 1: School vandalism must be curbed; twelve families exempted from exclusion; committee outlines rec hall policies; C.E. truck spills all; one more reservist joins Monday group; good news from the steward's office.

Page 2: Evacuee property series cont; JACL holds first meeting in two years; non-rationed play shoes for la femme; visiting servicemen.

Page 3: Unit II Ag. dept. threatened by fire; xmas gifts here for children; sports; Pantherettes hold election of officers; shower party given; to and from; visiting servicemen.

vPage 4: Block 328 and 329 servicemen; financial statement of Kamsuma odori; college bound club sponsors movie; Four Jills in a Jeep tonight.

Page 5: Riding the Rail; junior class will present Christmas play; (rest of page is illegible)

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 21 #29: Dec. 16, 1944

Page 1: Conservation of fuel oil necessary; cigarette rationing to begin next week; twenty to report for induction; block 38 has 12 serving; $50 theft from shoe shop reported.

Page 2: Evacuee property series cont; resident has five brothers in service.

Page 3: New books; block 38 cont; more movies promised by per-college club; Bussei notes; great expectations; visiting servicemen; Luanans choose cabinet.

Page 4: Dust n' Desert; blk.mgr. supervisor answers call; spend next Saturday the Hi-Time way; 'Star Dust' will be featured; senior play coming; sports; to a brighter future.

Page 5: Briefly; Christian church to present gala program at Cottonwood Bowl; C.A. releases entry fees for second round; 'Xmas at 400 green st' to be presented by Christian Fellowhship.

Pages 6-8: In Japanese.

Volume 21 #30: Dec. 19, 1944

Page 1: 17 center families now employed at Tooele depot; Pfc. Tashima seriously hurt in France; block 39 reports 20 sons in service; mass exclusion terminated.

Page 2: Mass exclusion cont; centers to remain open for six months to year after Jan. 2; council committee on movies appointed.

Page 3: Briefly; Junior Red Cross of Poston Hi making first-aid kits; Jan. 15 is deadline for filing income tax; radios taken in for repair now; library news; 'Hour Before the Dawn' movie; no fishing allowed in swimming pool; to and from.

Page 4: Dust n' Desert; call ambulance at P.D. after office hours; block 330 servicemen; Hi-Times social; to a brighter future.

Page 5: Block 39 servicemen cont; families at Tooele cont.; visitors here include columnist, surgeon; Scout Troop 100 holds 'Court of Honor'; library notes.

Page 6-8: In Japanese.

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