Poston Press Bulletin Volume 24 #16-18

Volume 24 #16: Oct. 16, 1945

Page 1: Special coaches chartered; Myer's letter praises Poston; volunteers to move evacuee property; bus schedule changes; shipment of ashes; community fund.

Page 2: Nisei Pacific units reassigned; encouragement from Lancaster, California; C.E. members hold meetings.

Page 3: Yokohama bank liquidates; first aid available; federal grand jury acquits Watson brothers; fire alarm; new hostel opens; search conducted for missing resident.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 24 #17:

This issue is not available.

Volume 24 #18: Oct. 23, 1945

(This is marked Final Edition)

Page 1: Chronicle; a happy ending; closing date set for Tule Lake; good news from California.

Page 2: Poston's service record; Silver Star awarded posthumously; when to pick up grants; two articles continued from page 1.

Page 3: Consolidation of mess halls; board of equalization permits issued to all; storage time limit; current population figures (1643 people left in the camp.)

Page 4: In Japanese.

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