Poston Chronicle Red Cross news

Volume 1, #2: Dec. 1, 1942

Apparently the Red Cross at Poston must have put out a few issues of its own.

This is the first page of the second issue.

Page 2: Certificate awards to first aiders & life savers; sick calls; service of the month; hospital statements for November; nursing conference.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

Volume 1, #3: Dec. 15, 1942

Page 1: Spain embassy representative and Mr. B. Gufler visit Poston; canal swim, pool protection; nat'l Red Cross sends Christmas to school children; hospital undertakes home nursing; help prevent scarlet fever; police academy first aid training; emergency service; acknowledgement.

Page 2: Accident prevention measures; production corps; holiday favors to the sick; disaster enrollment; Mrs. Ruby Miura honored; meeting; J.R.C. student council meet.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

These two are the only copies that were available.

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